67 JM typo?

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  • Keith B.
    Very Frequent User
    • March 7, 2008
    • 928

    67 JM typo?

    for the alternators it list 694 for the a 427/390 with AC 51 amps. then a 750 for a 390 with AC and TI thats 61 amps. while the Nolan Adams book states it should be a 750. dads car does not have TI but factory AC and what appears correct date) to be the original 750 alt. so what should it be
  • Brian M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • February 1, 1997
    • 1830

    Re: 67 JM typo?

    I believe all 67 A/C cars were the 750 61A.


    • John H.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • December 1, 1997
      • 16513

      Re: 67 JM typo?

      Originally posted by Keith Brodbeck (14640)
      for the alternators it list 694 for the a 427/390 with AC 51 amps. then a 750 for a 390 with AC and TI thats 61 amps. while the Nolan Adams book states it should be a 750. dads car does not have TI but factory AC and what appears correct date) to be the original 750 alt. so what should it be
      Keith -

      The most current edition of the '67 JG (Fourth Edition, 2nd Printing, Winter 2005), chart on page 115, shows that either the 694 or 750 is correct for a 427/390 with A/C but without T.I., and the chart is footnoted as such.


      • Keith B.
        Very Frequent User
        • March 7, 2008
        • 928

        Re: 67 JM typo?

        I have the Forth Edition but not sure what printing. but thanks for clearing that up.


        • John H.
          Beyond Control Poster
          • December 1, 1997
          • 16513

          Re: 67 JM typo?

          Originally posted by Keith Brodbeck (14640)
          I have the Forth Edition but not sure what printing. but thanks for clearing that up.
          Keith -

          The original Fourth Edition (not dated on the inside front cover like the Second Printing is) also has the footnoted chart on page 115.


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