4x10 speaker hanger/bracket for '68

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  • Pete G.
    Frequent User
    • October 22, 2008
    • 50

    4x10 speaker hanger/bracket for '68

    I'm restoring the sound system in my '68 to original specs. The speakers I'm purchasing from turnswitch.com don't come with mounting bracket that was riveted on the factory speakers. The speakers I'm replacing are "made in Japan" and don't have the bracket, they were just held in place via the kick panels. Does anyone know if these brackets are reproduced, or where I may source a pair of originals?

  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • February 1, 1988
    • 43129

    Re: 4x10 speaker hanger/bracket for '68

    Originally posted by Pete Gillie (49588)
    I'm restoring the sound system in my '68 to original specs. The speakers I'm purchasing from turnswitch.com don't come with mounting bracket that was riveted on the factory speakers. The speakers I'm replacing are "made in Japan" and don't have the bracket, they were just held in place via the kick panels. Does anyone know if these brackets are reproduced, or where I may source a pair of originals?



    I doubt that the brackets can be purchased separately. However, I thought that these speakers were being reproduced with the attached bracket. I don't know who carries them, though.

    If all else fails, I think you should be able to fabricate these brackets.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


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