1967 427 valve cover question

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  • Mark U.
    • June 8, 2009
    • 70

    1967 427 valve cover question

    i need to buy a set of valve covers for my 67 427 car-is there a difference between the $30.00 set vs the $350.00 set and can a judge tell the difference from one to another?

    Thanks Mark
  • Lyndon S.
    • May 1, 1988
    • 1027



    • Joe L.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • February 1, 1988
      • 43129

      Re: 1967 427 valve cover question

      Originally posted by Mark Ucakar (50508)
      i need to buy a set of valve covers for my 67 427 car-is there a difference between the $30.00 set vs the $350.00 set and can a judge tell the difference from one to another?

      Thanks Mark

      For a driver, the 30 buck covers are fine. In fact, they have excellent chrome and "contrary to popular opinion" the thickness of the metal is the same as original GM covers, at least on the ones I have measured . However, there are some configuration differences compared to the originals, so they would not be the thing for judging purposes. For judging purposes your best bets are original covers or the expensive reproductions.
      In Appreciation of John Hinckley


      • Pancho T.
        Very Frequent User
        • August 1, 1993
        • 238

        Re: 1967 427 valve cover question

        I had a problem with one that I installed on my '69 Nova.The square box looking part that is on the under side actually hit the rocker.I could not tell until I heard a slight ticking noise on the top end of the motor.I pulled the valve cover and all looked well.I checked the rockers and all looked good.When I went to reinstall the valve cover I discovered a piece was actually hanging off.I measured the box and found it be to 1/16 too big.I took it back to the vendor that I bought it from at the swapmeet the previous day.He said that they were all perfect but aloud me to measure some.I found that there were 4 different sizes of the little part that was causing an issue in the load that he had.I found a set that did measure up and have not had a problem since.Let's just say these are not all made to the tightest measurements.


        • Lyndon S.
          • May 1, 1988
          • 1027

          Re: 1967 427 valve cover question

          Are you talking about the cheap Chinese ones?


          • Pancho T.
            Very Frequent User
            • August 1, 1993
            • 238

            Re: 1967 427 valve cover question

            Originally posted by Lyndon Sharpton (12791)
            Are you talking about the cheap Chinese ones?
            Yes the cheap ones


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