70 Coupe T-Top fit?

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  • Mike F.
    • April 26, 2011
    • 668

    70 Coupe T-Top fit?

    I just replaced my T-top weather stripping and now the tops fit like crap. Will a few weeks of compression (tops in place) fix this or do I need to adjust? The front to rear seam is about 3/8 gap.

    FYI...both tops had 516 in green crayon, the last three digits of the VIN.

  • Paul O.
    Frequent User
    • September 1, 1990
    • 1716

    Re: 70 Coupe T-Top fit?


    Do you have a AIM there are instructions on proper fit and gaps I have my 1971 and the reference UPC 1 ASM F15. The normal gas at the center is .12 +- .06 and the rear is .18 +- .06. The 3 digit markings is very normal.

    Paul 18046


    • Terry M.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • October 1, 1980
      • 15541

      Re: 70 Coupe T-Top fit?

      Actually it is more usual in the earlier C3 years to find tops with two different build numbers on them. I think thy mixed the tops (of the same color) to get a better fit, but I will admit that idea would take more labor than they were likely to put into the car fit & finish.


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