Who's got the best zinc and phosphorous enriched motor oil for a '79 L-48?

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  • Michael M.
    Frequent User
    • June 7, 2010
    • 74

    Who's got the best zinc and phosphorous enriched motor oil for a '79 L-48?

    If anybody could suggest the best zinc and phosphorous enriched motor oil and where to get it...I'd be thankful. I'm in South Florida, if anybody local knows a local place that would be great.

    Thank you for all your help!
  • Dick W.
    Former NCRS Director Region IV
    • July 1, 1985
    • 10483

    Re: Who's got the best zinc and phosphorous enriched motor oil for a '79 L-48?

    There are many threads on this subject. the consensus of opinion is to use a modern diesel oil such as Shell Rotella. There are many other brands that meet the API CJ-4 specs. Walmart has a generic oil that will meet the specs. It still has more ZDDP that the older motor oils that have been discontinued. It is a waste of money to buy the botique oils such as Gibbs, Penn, etc.
    Dick Whittington


    • Michael M.
      Frequent User
      • June 7, 2010
      • 74

      Re: Who's got the best zinc and phosphorous enriched motor oil for a '79 L-48?

      Thank you. I heard that competition cams has come out with a high ZDDP motor oil but haven't heard any reviews.


      • Duke W.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • January 1, 1993
        • 15497

        Re: Who's got the best zinc and phosphorous enriched motor oil for a '79 L-48?

        There is no best brand. It's a matter of selecting the best modern API service category for vintage engines with sliding surface valve trains, and you don't have to spend more than about $2.50 per quart.

        Download the following pdf and read the article beginning on page 3.



        • Michael M.
          Frequent User
          • June 7, 2010
          • 74

          Re: Who's got the best zinc and phosphorous enriched motor oil for a '79 L-48?

          Okay Duke. So you basically believe, if I read the article correctly, that any CJ-4 rated motor oil will do the job for my '79 L-48, and I can ignore all the hype I'm hearing out there, as just that 'hype'. Let me ask you this though...I'm in Miami, FL. and it basically is always really hot down here, with the exception of a few fronts that push through in the winter bringing it down into the 30's or 40's. Which oil would you use in my location and how often would you change it...if you don't mind me asking? ?W-? and change it every 12 months or 3000 miles? I don't push this car hard, but it sees more city driving then highway. Alot of stop and go when I take it out. Thank you for your input.


          • Alexander C.
            • June 21, 2010
            • 353

            Re: Who's got the best zinc and phosphorous enriched motor oil for a '79 L-48?

            Redline. Period.


            • Gary H.
              • June 9, 2008
              • 308

              Re: Who's got the best zinc and phosphorous enriched motor oil for a '79 L-48?

              I'm in Miami also. I have been using shell rotella diesel for a few years now in my 63..

              I read about the subject for a while before selecting an oil for my 69 427. I ended up going with Brad Penn Grade 1 20w50. They sell it at flamingo oil in North Miami. It has one of the higher zinc levels of modern oils.

              I bought a case. As soon as I get around to changing the oil in the 63 I will put this stuff in too.



              • Michael W.
                • April 1, 1997
                • 4290

                Re: Who's got the best zinc and phosphorous enriched motor oil for a '79 L-48?

                Originally posted by Michael Marks (51829)
                and I can ignore all the hype I'm hearing out there, as just that 'hype'.
                That's why it's called hype- no overpriced boutique stuff needed. Use the weight of oil recommended in your owners manual.


                • Dick W.
                  Former NCRS Director Region IV
                  • July 1, 1985
                  • 10483

                  Re: Who's got the best zinc and phosphorous enriched motor oil for a '79 L-48?

                  Redline, Brad Penn, Gibbs are boutique oils with a heafty premium price. CJ-4 oils have way more ZDDP than is required for your engines.
                  Dick Whittington


                  • Duke W.
                    Beyond Control Poster
                    • January 1, 1993
                    • 15497

                    Re: Who's got the best zinc and phosphorous enriched motor oil for a '79 L-48?

                    Originally posted by Michael Marks (51829)
                    Okay Duke. So you basically believe, if I read the article correctly, that any CJ-4 rated motor oil will do the job for my '79 L-48, and I can ignore all the hype I'm hearing out there, as just that 'hype'. Let me ask you this though...I'm in Miami, FL. and it basically is always really hot down here, with the exception of a few fronts that push through in the winter bringing it down into the 30's or 40's. Which oil would you use in my location and how often would you change it...if you don't mind me asking? ?W-? and change it every 12 months or 3000 miles? I don't push this car hard, but it sees more city driving then highway. Alot of stop and go when I take it out. Thank you for your input.
                    The article gives a very clear recommendation on viscosity based on the lowest cold start temperature the engine sees.

                    As a general rule I recommend annual oil changes on vintage engines. However, if the engine it tight, accumulates less than 1000 miles, is not used for short trips, and the oil has not significantly darkened, then I think it's okay to go a couple of years.

                    "City driving" is not necessarily bad, but short trips - say the engine runs less than ten minutes - can cause blowby dilution since the oil doesn't get hot enough, long enough to boil it out. Blowby is primarily unburned fuel-air mixture.



                    • John D.
                      Extremely Frequent Poster
                      • December 1, 1979
                      • 5507

                      Re: Who's got the best zinc and phosphorous enriched motor oil for a '79 L-48?

                      Brad Penn is my favorite brand since made right here in PA at old Kendall Oil.
                      American Refining Group, Inc 77 Norh Kendall Ave., Bradford, PA. 16701 814-368-1200
                      My 63 the LWC uses it. SAE30 "The Green Oil" whatever that means. They call it the break in oil. Label says enhanced levels of Zin dialkyldithiophosphate aka ZDDP. Try typing that without looking.
                      Good stuff and reasonably priced.
                      I also buy it for my 1928 Model A Pickup with original 4 cylinder. Non detergent oil. JD


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