Need Advice; Removable Aux. Hardtop for C2

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  • Larry E.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • December 1, 1989
    • 1628

    Need Advice; Removable Aux. Hardtop for C2

    Thinking of putting on my removable aux. hardtop on my 66 this Summer. Doing it
    just to change the pace. (Has not been on for over 12 years!) Is there anything that
    can be done to stop the weatherstriping from "biting" into the paint? Should some
    type of coating be put on the weatherstriping? eg.: armorall or silicon spray? Maybe
    to make the stripping softer? Another idea I saw before was someone was making some type of plastic tape that was put on top of the paint. Is this still being made? Is it a
    good idea? Or is it inevitable that if you use your removable top it will somewhat
    damage the paint underneath? Thanks in Advance; Larry

    LT1 in a 1LE -- One of 134
  • Don L.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • September 1, 2005
    • 1003

    Re: Need Advice; Removable Aux. Hardtop for C2

    Thanks for this thread, Larry. I'm in exactly the same place as you are with my '72. I'll be looking for the same advice that you are here.

    I had my aux hard top re-painted and I'm replacing all the rubber over the winter so I too can change it up a bit. When I went to Paragon to get my new rubber/hardware, I picked up the plastic shield to protect the top surface of the deck. They have them for C2's as well. Corvette Central and others carry them too. I've even seen them in the MMW catalog that comes occasionally. I had one of these shields for my soft top but discarded it after a year or some because I didn't really think it was doing much. I will try again this spring with the hard top. I've also seen "custom" pieces of terrycloth fashioned and used by others to protect the deck.
    Don Lowe
    NCRS #44382
    Carolinas Chapter


    • Larry E.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • December 1, 1989
      • 1628

      Re: Need Advice; Removable Aux. Hardtop for C2

      Originally posted by Don Lowe (44382)
      Thanks for this thread, Larry. I'm in exactly the same place as you are with my '72. I'll be looking for the same advice that you are here.

      I had my aux hard top re-painted and I'm replacing all the rubber over the winter so I too can change it up a bit. When I went to Paragon to get my new rubber/hardware, I picked up the plastic shield to protect the top surface of the deck. They have them for C2's as well. Corvette Central and others carry them too. I've even seen them in the MMW catalog that comes occasionally. I had one of these shields for my soft top but discarded it after a year or some because I didn't really think it was doing much. I will try again this spring with the hard top. I've also seen "custom" pieces of terrycloth fashioned and used by others to protect the deck.
      Would not that plastic shield do some damage to the paint by itself if left there long?
      I wonder if someone makes some type of felt that would fit. That way the paint would be
      able to "breathe". Larry

      LT1 in a 1LE -- One of 134


      • Don L.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • September 1, 2005
        • 1003

        Re: Need Advice; Removable Aux. Hardtop for C2

        Originally posted by Larry Evoskis (16324)
        Would not that plastic shield do some damage to the paint by itself if left there long?
        I wonder if someone makes some type of felt that would fit. That way the paint would be
        able to "breathe". Larry
        I always worried a bit about that too, Larry. It's one of the reasons I abandoned the use. I look forward to others' inputs on this subject...
        Don Lowe
        NCRS #44382
        Carolinas Chapter


        • Larry E.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • December 1, 1989
          • 1628

          Re: Need Advice; Removable Aux. Hardtop for C2

          Originally posted by Larry Evoskis (16324)
          Thinking of putting on my removable aux. hardtop on my 66 this Summer. Doing it
          just to change the pace. (Has not been on for over 12 years!) Is there anything that
          can be done to stop the weatherstriping from "biting" into the paint? Should some
          type of coating be put on the weatherstriping? eg.: armorall or silicon spray? Maybe
          to make the stripping softer? Another idea I saw before was someone was making some type of plastic tape that was put on top of the paint. Is this still being made? Is it a
          good idea? Or is it inevitable that if you use your removable top it will somewhat
          damage the paint underneath? Thanks in Advance; Larry
          I'll move this up one more time. I thought for sure I would get way more responses
          on this subject. I guess that if you use the Aux. Hardtop you will have to live
          with paint damage. Sounds like a poor design from the start. Larry

          LT1 in a 1LE -- One of 134


          • Jeff S.
            Very Frequent User
            • August 1, 1984
            • 383

            Re: Need Advice; Removable Aux. Hardtop for C2

            Did you read the lengthy PM I sent yesterday, same subject?


            • Larry S.
              • March 12, 2007
              • 457

              Re: Need Advice; Removable Aux. Hardtop for C2

              Let me throw in my $0.02 cents. I have a 56 T-Bird; these cars have the same issues about the weatherstrip damaging the paint, mostly discoloration from the weatherstrip. I use the heavy, clear plastic strips uner the weatherstrip; they've been on since 1987 with no paint damage (and no discoloration from the weatherstrip).


              • Michael F.
                • June 5, 2009
                • 291

                Re: Need Advice; Removable Aux. Hardtop for C2

                Originally posted by Larry Spencer (47114)
                Let me throw in my $0.02 cents. I have a 56 T-Bird; these cars have the same issues about the weatherstrip damaging the paint, mostly discoloration from the weatherstrip. I use the heavy, clear plastic strips uner the weatherstrip; they've been on since 1987 with no paint damage (and no discoloration from the weatherstrip).
                I agree. The strips work fine. After 12 yrs your rubber might be a bit shrunk. Make sure it's ok be for installing.


                • Gene M.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • April 1, 1985
                  • 4232

                  Re: Need Advice; Removable Aux. Hardtop for C2

                  The hardtop rubber hardens with time. Replacement on a regular schedule helps, but time consuming and costly. I am going to try the clear shield on my white 67. I would think if the shield is trimmed to fit close to the rubber it would not look ugly. During stowage release the rear top tie towns and set soft towels under seal would eliminate the pressure.

                  I didn't do any prevention on my 68 and now it has deep marks from the top. Only shows with hard top off. Going down the road at 65 mph all is fine, can't see it.


                  • Larry E.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • December 1, 1989
                    • 1628

                    Re: Need Advice; Removable Aux. Hardtop for C2

                    Originally posted by Jeff Smith (7732)
                    Did you read the lengthy PM I sent yesterday, same subject?
                    Jeff: Yes I read it; maybe that's the only answer. Thanks; Larry

                    LT1 in a 1LE -- One of 134


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