All repairs made on our 62 and sprayed with Evercoat Slick Sand, then block sanded with 300, then sprayed with Glasurit Universal Primer Filler and block sanded again with 500. Now I am ready to put the color coat of single stage Glasurit 22 line on. I have had members tell me to over reduce the single stage to give it more the look of lacquer. The spec sheet tell me to reduce 10% others are recomending 20% or 25% this will give a lower shine in the jam, hood and trunk areas, then buff the outside to get the shine I desire. Does anyone have a better recomendation? Thanks in advance for comments.
Single Stage Paint
Re: Single Stage Paint
To get a lacquer appearance over reduce by 10% and use one step faster reducer. This will give a finer orange peel look and prevent build up on edges or excessive wet look. To get a proper appearance on jambs hoodledge and unbuffed areas you will need to use a flattening compound designed for your Glasutit single stage. You may have to experiment with the ratios to get a correct appearance. The jambs etc. should be an unbuffed look not flat or semiflat. I know this isn't according to manufacterers recommendation but they are trying for a maximum gloss finish. Painters have to be creative to get desired effects.- Top
Re: Single Stage Paint
Gary, I would not vary reducer to control shine. I assume you are going to wet sand everything including jams. You would best to control shine in jams with the buffing or lack of fine buffing that's done.- Top
Re: Single Stage Paint
Gary, Tom Ames is very knowledgeable about paint and has done many Duntov and Bloomington Gold paint jobs. His recommendation is very good and, if followed, should result in a paint job to your satisfaction.Dick Whittington- Top