69' 427/400 Air Conditioning belt

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  • Grahame M.
    Very Frequent User
    • November 7, 2011
    • 196

    69' 427/400 Air Conditioning belt


    I'm not sure if anyone else has come across this but my Air Conditioning (factory fitted) belt rubs on the lower radiator hose. The previous owner put a hose clamp around the hose where the belt made contact. It must be a incorrect bracket, or installed incorrectly but I'd love to fix the cause and not the problem.

    I have just received the AIM for my car from NCRS but its not 100% clear. Has anyone else seen this before?

    Many Thanks
    69 427 Tri-Power 4 Speed
    Black on Black
  • Terry M.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • October 1, 1980
    • 15541

    Re: 69' 427/400 Air Conditioning belt

    Originally posted by Grahame McCann (54038)

    I'm not sure if anyone else has come across this but my Air Conditioning (factory fitted) belt rubs on the lower radiator hose. The previous owner put a hose clamp around the hose where the belt made contact. It must be a incorrect bracket, or installed incorrectly but I'd love to fix the cause and not the problem.

    I have just received the AIM for my car from NCRS but its not 100% clear. Has anyone else seen this before?

    Many Thanks
    I am pretty sure there is a TSB (Technical Service Bulletin) about that hose rubbing. I can look it up when I get home, or you can have your very own copy when the new & improved 1968-69 TIM&JG comes out at or following this Summer's National Convention. Off the top of my head the TSB says to rotate the radiator end of the hose before clamping it down, but I will look and let you know for sure what I find.

    The AIMs that are available are copies of copies of copies. Back when I was Restorer Editor Chevrolet did not respond to our efforts to get cleaner copies. The few first generation AIM sheets I have seen were reduced to microfilm and the quality is not much better than what is available, so unless there is a great find of hidden AIMs (think Indiana Jones) we are stuck with what there is.


    • Grahame M.
      Very Frequent User
      • November 7, 2011
      • 196

      Re: 69' 427/400 Air Conditioning belt

      Thank You Terry. I thought it would have to be something simple as all the bracketry look correctly positioned. Cheers
      69 427 Tri-Power 4 Speed
      Black on Black


      • Terry M.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • October 1, 1980
        • 15541

        Re: 69' 427/400 Air Conditioning belt

        Grahame, well my memory was close, but no cigar.
        There is a 1968 TSB on the subject of both upper and lower radiator hose contact.

        The bulletin mentions Corvette (along with Chevelle and Series 10-20 trucks) only for the upper hose. The lower hose interference deals with Chevelles and the lower hose contacting the idler arm-to-frame attaching bolts.

        I was almost certain there was a bulletin about the 1969 upper Corvette hose because that design changed for additional clearance to the alternator drive pulley during the model year. I found that notation in Chevrolet Service News. but there is nothing about lower hose interference with the accessory drive belt(s).

        All I can tell you is to either rotate the hose to obtain more clearance, or perhaps you will have to shorten the hose for additional clearance. Another possibility is you might have to move the hose a little farther out on the radiator and/or water pump nipples if that will gain you more clearance. You might have to try different adjustments to either or both ends of the hose to gain the clearance you need to stop the rubbing.


        • Grahame M.
          Very Frequent User
          • November 7, 2011
          • 196

          Re: 69' 427/400 Air Conditioning belt

          Thanks Terry, I'll try a few of those things you've mentioned and also check that the correct part has been fitted. I really appreciate your help. Thanks Grahame
          69 427 Tri-Power 4 Speed
          Black on Black


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