Any here that is having the outer AC assembly for a C2 out of the car? Measurements? - NCRS Discussion Boards

Any here that is having the outer AC assembly for a C2 out of the car? Measurements?

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  • Claus S.
    • December 29, 2010
    • 414

    Any here that is having the outer AC assembly for a C2 out of the car? Measurements?

    Is there any here that have the outer evaporator housing\AC box out of the car for painting or something like that?

    I need the measurements of the backplate that attaches to the firewall. I have the blower motor housing
    Attached Files
  • Jimmy B.
    • July 31, 1980
    • 584

    Re: Any here that is having the outer AC assembly for a C2 out of the car? Measuremen


    Send me your email. Mine is off any laying on my kitchen table. I will be happy to send you some photos and lay me tape measure alongside.

    My car is a 1965, is yours a C2?

    Jim Blakely


    • Claus S.
      • December 29, 2010
      • 414

      Re: Any here that is having the outer AC assembly for a C2 out of the car? Measuremen

      Thats great Jim
      I have sent you my email adress on a PM

      I also had the name and phone number to a person who had the evaporator housing here in my NCRS inbox but all of my inbox here have been deleted
      so i have lost his phone number
      Last edited by Claus S.; December 13, 2011, 01:03 PM.


      • Jim S.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • February 28, 1986
        • 1391

        Re: Any here that is having the outer AC assembly for a C2 out of the car? Measuremen

        Originally posted by Claus Roger Schjerverud (52628)
        Thats great Jim
        I have sent you my email adress on a PM

        I also had the name and phone number to a person who had the evaporator housing here in my NCRS inbox but all of my inbox here have been deleted
        so i have lost his phone number
        Mine is also on the kitchen counter , but just about completely back together. So if you would like some of those pics just let me know !



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