K19 Big block RH exh. manif. __opinion on cast date - NCRS Discussion Boards

K19 Big block RH exh. manif. __opinion on cast date

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  • Wayne M.
    • February 29, 1980
    • 6414

    K19 Big block RH exh. manif. __opinion on cast date

    I've been tripping over this boat anchor for 20 years; replaced at that time with correct 301/302's for my 396.

    So what is the cast date ? C_9_7 (March 9th 1967); or, is the month letter a "G" (July) ? If the consensus is 'G', would that be too late for 1967 A.I.R. production, with last car off the line about July 11th to 14th, depending on which birthday source is used ?
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  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • January 31, 1988
    • 43160

    Re: K19 Big block RH exh. manif. __opinion on cast date

    Originally posted by Wayne Midkiff (3437)
    I've been tripping over this boat anchor for 20 years; replaced at that time with correct 301/302's for my 396.

    So what is the cast date ? C_9_7 (March 9th 1967); or, is the month letter a "G" (July) ? If the consensus is 'G', would that be too late for 1967 A.I.R. production, with last car off the line about July 11th to 14th, depending on which birthday source is used ?


    I'm pretty confident that it's a "G".
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Wayne M.
      • February 29, 1980
      • 6414

      Re: K19 Big block RH exh. manif. __opinion on cast date

      Originally posted by Joe Lucia (12484)

      I'm pretty confident that it's a "G".

      I tend to agree; found another pic I took a few years back -- different lighting might help.

      --- Just thought of something else -- looked at 1967 calendar, and March 8 or 9 fall on Wednesday and Thursday; whereas July 8 or 9 is a Saturday or Sunday.



      • Joe L.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • January 31, 1988
        • 43160

        Re: K19 Big block RH exh. manif. __opinion on cast date

        Originally posted by Wayne Midkiff (3437)
        I tend to agree; found another pic I took a few years back -- different lighting might help.

        --- Just thought of something else -- looked at 1967 calendar, and March 8 or 9 fall on Wednesday and Thursday; whereas July 8 or 9 is a Saturday or Sunday.


        Well, I'm pretty sure the first digit is a "9". I don't know if the Tonawanda foundry poured on Sunday, or not.
        In Appreciation of John Hinckley


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