1966 Clock Removal

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  • Timothy B.
    Frequent User
    • August 5, 2008
    • 44

    1966 Clock Removal

    What is the best way to remove my time clock?
  • Mike M.
    NCRS Past President
    • June 1, 1974
    • 8331

    Re: 1966 Clock Removal

    remove the glove box door assembly, reach around back side of clock and remove the pair of dash lights and the power feed to the clock and the ground wire on the clock, then depress the V-shaped clips(there are a pair of them) , and while depressed, slip them away from the pair of posts on the back of the clock. good luck.mike


    • Timothy B.
      Frequent User
      • August 5, 2008
      • 44

      Re: 1966 Clock Removal

      Thank you Mike


      • Roger P.
        • February 25, 2009
        • 354

        Re: 1966 Clock Removal

        I was able to remove my clock without removing the glove box door assembly. If you remove the two radio access panels on each side of the dash console, you will be able to reach in and slip off the clips. It's a little tight in there, but I have done it a few times without any issues. It takes me about 10 minutes in and out.

        Roger (50141)


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