Air conditioner compressor date code

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  • Bill C.
    Very Frequent User
    • June 1, 1989
    • 423

    Air conditioner compressor date code

    I have been noticing during my search for a correctly date coded 1966 air conditioning compressor end plate that the date code locations are different. This excludes the plates with the temp switch in them.

    Most end plates I see have the date code located centered below the two ports.

    I am seeing some with the date code located to the right, now centered under the rh port. I suspect that these are from later cars, although I have seen some with the 6 for year position in the rh locations, I thought in 1976 they had begun using the temp switch.

    Other than the date code location change, the plates are identical in every other way.

    Can anyone comment on this? Did the location vary or was there a specific changeover point time period?

    In the end, I need a correct plate for a late june 66 built car so want to be certain I use the right plate.

  • Wayne M.
    • March 1, 1980
    • 6414

    Re: Air conditioner compressor date code

    Originally posted by Bill Caldwell (15218)
    .....Most end plates I see have the date code located centered below the two ports.

    I am seeing some with the date code located to the right, now centered under the RH port. I suspect that these are from later cars, although I have seen some with the 6 for year position in the RH locations, I thought in 1976 they had begun using the temp switch.

    Other than the date code location change, the plates are identical in every other way.

    Can anyone comment on this? Did the location vary or was there a specific changeover point time period?

    In the end, I need a correct plate for a late june 66 built car so want to be certain I use the right plate. ....
    Bill -- now you've got me confused, after checking 4 compressors I have. Pics below are definitely 1976. The '302' back head is dated D-07-6, offset to the right, and is confirmed by the sticker assembly date 04-20-6-1 (April 20th 1967, 1st shift).

    And another compr. is 1975, with the superheat switch connection. Rear head cast 6550406, date upper left (because connection's on the right) E-15-5, and the sticker says 05-23-5-1 (May 23rd).

    Another has a '302' back head with date cast in upper right E-26-1 (May 26th '71) with sticker 07-06-1-1 which I guess is July 6th. But the sticker also has a "Notice: Mounting holes have metric threads"

    So I guess the quandry (as you've pointed out) is when the dates shifted to the right, and did the superheat switch start in 1975 ?
    Attached Files


    • Jimmy B.
      • August 1, 1980
      • 584

      Re: Air conditioner compressor date code

      Here's what my 1965 Corvette has on the end plate. Build date June 08, 1965

      Jim Blakely
      Attached Files


      • Peter L.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • June 1, 1983
        • 1930

        Re: Air conditioner compressor date code

        Bill - I looked at the compressors on my early 67 Corvette and late 66 Chevelle along with several orphan A6s that are mid-60s vintage and all had the date codes on the end plate in the center location. Pete


        • Scott S.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • September 12, 2009
          • 1961

          Re: Air conditioner compressor date code


          The end-plate for the original A6 compressor on my Jan. 11, 1967 built coupe is dated "K296", picture taken during rebuild last year.
          Attached Files


          • Dale C.
            • November 1, 1999
            • 844

            Re: Air conditioner compressor date code

            Mine is B-7-8, Feb 7 68 for a 2 Mar 68 car and in the middle.


            • William C.
              NCRS Past President
              • June 1, 1975
              • 6037

              Re: Air conditioner compressor date code

              Bill, is the casting number on the one in question 6555302 like the ones pictured for 65-67?
              Bill Clupper #618


              • Bill C.
                Very Frequent User
                • June 1, 1989
                • 423

                Re: Air conditioner compressor date code

                Originally posted by William Clupper (618)
                Bill, is the casting number on the one in question 6555302 like the ones pictured for 65-67?
                Yes, it is.

                I have at least two, one dated J-18-4 and one A-14-6, no temp switch, code under RH port.



                • Domenic T.
                  • January 29, 2010
                  • 2452

                  Re: Air conditioner compressor date code

                  Originally posted by Bill Caldwell (15218)
                  Yes, it is.

                  I have at least two, one dated J-18-4 and one A-14-6, no temp switch, code under RH port.

                  My vote is that J 18 4 is OCT 18, 1964 and A 14 6 is Jan 14 1966 if they are 302 castings without the temp switch.

                  I am fairly sure the temp switch was out in the early 70's as my 74 chevy has the switch.

                  I talked to a Sentec (A/C parts dist) and they thought the thermal switch started in 1972 but were not positive.



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