69 dash pad bushings

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  • Brad S.
    • August 1, 2005
    • 227

    69 dash pad bushings

    I found these flaired bushings on the floor of my car when I bought it. They are painted interior color. The previous owner had started to take the drivers side lower dash pad out and it was just laying on the column . I am thinking they are a "spacer' for the screws that hold the lower dash to the upper dash. I think they prevent the screws from sinking too far into the dash padding. Any body know if this is the case
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  • Terry M.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • October 1, 1980
    • 15541

    Re: 69 dash pad bushings

    Originally posted by Brad Seversen (44236)
    I found these flaired bushings on the floor of my car when I bought it. They are painted interior color. The previous owner had started to take the drivers side lower dash pad out and it was just laying on the column . I am thinking they are a "spacer' for the screws that hold the lower dash to the upper dash. I think they prevent the screws from sinking too far into the dash padding. Any body know if this is the case
    I think you have nailed it, but you might want to wait and see if Reba or someone who knows more about interiors than I picks up on this thread. I hope your interior is black because those look black. There are three screws, so either one remained on the screw or one is MIA.


    • Brad S.
      • August 1, 2005
      • 227

      Re: 69 dash pad bushings

      Terry, they just look black in the picture they are actually blue. The problem I have is these are the only 2 I have and it takes 6. Any idea where I can find them? thanks Brad


      • Terry M.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • October 1, 1980
        • 15541

        Re: 69 dash pad bushings

        Yep, six total both sides. Blue interior then, I hope. They can be hard to see when the screw is installed. Are you sure the others are not on the screws, or under the seat(s)

        No I do not know where to get them.


        • Paul D.
          Very Frequent User
          • October 1, 1996
          • 491

          Re: 69 dash pad bushings

          Sometimes they remain stuck in the dash pad. Look closely at the pad. I have seen some actually pull through the vinyl and disappear in the pad. Chip.


          • Reba W.
            Very Frequent User
            • July 1, 1985
            • 928

            Re: 69 dash pad bushings

            Paul and Terry are right-on. I have seen them deeply imbedded in dash pads. I suspect they are only available from salvage yards.


            • Alan S.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • August 1, 1989
              • 3413

              Re: 69 dash pad bushings

              Hi Brad,
              If you don't find the others I believe Dr. Rebuild sells them as part of the dash pad screw set; he calls them eyelets, but I think they're what your picture shows.
              Hope you find the rest!
              71 Coupe, 350/270, 4 speed
              Mason Dixon Chapter
              Chapter Top Flight October 2011


              • Richard C.
                • August 1, 2001
                • 144

                Re: 69 dash pad bushings

                Brad, go to home depto and get a box of steel crimp connectors 18-10awg. and cut them shorter or you are welcome to call the shop and i will send you some. 615-255-3939. richard


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