midyear vent window frame to windshield frame gaps - NCRS Discussion Boards

midyear vent window frame to windshield frame gaps

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  • Scott M.
    • December 31, 1995
    • 216

    midyear vent window frame to windshield frame gaps

    I'm putting the vent window frames back in my '67 convertible. Does the AIM have a suggested gap called out between the vent window frame and the windshield frame? If so, I'm not finding a reference to it.
  • Wayne M.
    • February 29, 1980
    • 6414

    Re: midyear vent window frame to windshield frame gaps

    Originally posted by Scott Marzahl (27148)
    I'm putting the vent window frames back in my '67 convertible. Does the AIM have a suggested gap called out between the vent window frame and the windshield frame? If so, I'm not finding a reference to it.

    Hi Scott -- I'm working on the same area with my '65 convertible, so I'd expect they'd be the same gap. In the '65 AIM, it's found as Section A-A on UPC 1 Doors, Sheet K13, so I'd assume that it would be close to the same page on the '67manual.

    They indicate 1/8" gap (0.12 +/- 0.06) between the windshield reveal moulding and the forward edge of the ventilator assembly.

    Getting pretty cold in my garage, so I may do the fine tuning in the spring, to match the hardtop, then do the soft top to match the glass.


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