What's "MTD, Inc."? Stamped on backside of birdcage crossbar next to VIN and Trim Tag - NCRS Discussion Boards

What's "MTD, Inc."? Stamped on backside of birdcage crossbar next to VIN and Trim Tag

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  • Scott S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • September 11, 2009
    • 1961

    What's "MTD, Inc."? Stamped on backside of birdcage crossbar next to VIN and Trim Tag

    I found this recently, and didn't see anything in the archives about it. I'm guessing it's the company that made the birdcage, what does "MTD, Inc." stand for?
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  • Tom H.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • November 30, 1993
    • 3440

    Re: What's "MTD, Inc."? Stamped on backside of birdcage crossbar next to VIN and Trim

    Modern Tool and Die. Same company that is often known for lawn tractors ! Located in Cleveland, Ohio.
    Tom Hendricks
    Proud Member NCRS #23758
    NCM Founding Member # 1143
    Corvette Department Manager and
    Specialist for 27 years at BUDS Chevrolet.


    • Scott S.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • September 11, 2009
      • 1961

      Re: What's "MTD, Inc."? Stamped on backside of birdcage crossbar next to VIN and Trim

      Originally posted by Tom Hendricks (23758)
      Modern Tool and Die. Same company that is often known for lawn tractors ! Located in Cleveland, Ohio.
      Thanks Tom.

      Of all the places they could have stamped their company ID, it's interesting that they chose the spot where the VIN and Trim tags would be placed.


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