headights on my '78

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  • Harry G.
    • September 24, 2010
    • 13

    headights on my '78

    the passenger side headlight assy. will not go down. I have removed the vaccumn lines from both sides of the actuator and it remains locked in the up position. I have tried by-passing the manual switch under the dash, and jumping it out of the circuit. Any thoughts before I disassimble the front grill and remove other components?
  • Wayne W.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • May 1, 1982
    • 3605

    Re: headights on my '78

    You should be able to reach up under there and break down the knee action mechanism and the HL will come down. If it does not move with the hoses unhooked, there is a mechanical problem. Test the vacuum actuator by applying vacuum to one port or the other and watching the action. One will open , one will close. If that dont work it is a vacuum issue.


    • Terry M.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • October 1, 1980
      • 15541

      Re: headights on my '78

      Originally posted by Harry Geety (52235)
      the passenger side headlight assy. will not go down. I have removed the vaccumn lines from both sides of the actuator and it remains locked in the up position. I have tried by-passing the manual switch under the dash, and jumping it out of the circuit. Any thoughts before I disassimble the front grill and remove other components?
      I have never seen a 1978 Owner's Manual, but my 1970 has a section on how to raise the headlights manually -- complete with illustrations. For safety reasons I would think the 1978 version would have that information as well. Wayne is giving you the correct information and perhaps the illustrations in your Owner's Manual will help.


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