1972 emergency brake & fasten seat belt lights - NCRS Discussion Boards

1972 emergency brake & fasten seat belt lights

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  • Jerome P.
    • October 22, 2006
    • 607

    1972 emergency brake & fasten seat belt lights

    Are the Fasten seat belt light and the emergency brake light inter-related?

    On my car neither of them come on at the same time. For example:

    1) The emergency brake is set and the seat belts have not been buckled.

    2) The ignition is rotated to on and/or the engine is started

    3) The only dash light that comes on is the fasten seat belt. After fastening the seat belt the dash emergency brake light comes on and the seat belt light goes off.

    4) Release the emergency brake and the dash brake light goes off.

    Is this a correct sequence of events? If not, does any one have a corrective suggestion?
  • Jerome P.
    • October 22, 2006
    • 607

    Re: 1972 emergency brake & fasten seat belt lights

    No ideas out there


    • Patrick H.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • November 30, 1989
      • 11561

      Re: 1972 emergency brake & fasten seat belt lights

      Mine work independently of each other. However, if the e-brake light switch is a bit out of adjustment you're probably shifting it a bit when you reach over and attach your lap belt. It's a plunger switch at the bottom of the e-brake lever's travel.

      Try wiggling the e-brake lever and see what happens, ie. if the light goes on or off.

      Else you may have a grounding issue behind the dash.
      Vice-Chairman (West), Michigan Chapter NCRS
      71 "deer modified" coupe
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      2008 coupe
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