Convertible Hardtops

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  • Mark C.
    • May 6, 2009
    • 87

    Convertible Hardtops

    Does anyone actually use them? If your window sticker says the car had one originally is it needed for NCRS or BLOOMINGTON judging? Thanks I'm new to this car
  • John H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • December 1, 1997
    • 16513

    Re: Convertible Hardtops

    Originally posted by Mark Ceres (50397)
    Does anyone actually use them? If your window sticker says the car had one originally is it needed for NCRS or BLOOMINGTON judging? Thanks I'm new to this car
    Mark -

    Window stickers aren't judged in NCRS judging. If your lid is drilled for hardtop mounting, it's up to you whether you present the car for Flight judging with either the soft top or with the soft top folded and the hardtop installed. For a 2-top car, only Performance Verification candidates require presenting the car with both tops.

    Many St. Louis-bodied midyear trim tags (except for black interiors) have trim ECL codes that will tell whether the car was originally built with or without a hardtop, so if the hardtop was added later and the trim tag says it was built originally without it, you'll get a minor deduction for the mounting holes in the fiberglass lid.


    • Mark C.
      • May 6, 2009
      • 87

      Re: Convertible Hardtops

      Does anyone actually use their hardtops??? (two top cars)


      • William C.
        • July 16, 2009
        • 239

        Re: Convertible Hardtops

        Originally posted by Mark Ceres (50397)
        Does anyone actually use their hardtops??? (two top cars)
        Mark..I refer to them as "Garage Trophies"..Bill


        • Robert R.
          • June 1, 1975
          • 357

          Re: Convertible Hardtops

          I'm sure that some do.
          When I had my '62, the hardtop actually gave a bit more headroom and vision vs the ragtop when up.
          My curent '73 seems a bit more solid with the hardtop on as well.
          Still always better with top down in either case.


          • Paul J.
            • September 10, 2008
            • 2091

            Re: Convertible Hardtops

            Originally posted by William Cilles (50610)
            Mark..I refer to them as "Garage Trophies"..Bill

            In reality, the only reason that I would suspect that someone would use thier hardtop on a convertible is if they drove the car throughout the winter. My car has the holes drilled in the deck, but the hardtop was gone long before I bought it. During the summer I never even put the soft top up. Obviously, I won't be purchasing a "Garage Trophy".



            • Wayne M.
              • March 1, 1980
              • 6414

              Re: Convertible Hardtops

              Originally posted by John Hinckley (29964)
              .....Many St. Louis-bodied midyear trim tags (except for black interiors) have trim ECL codes that will tell whether the car was originally built with or without a hardtop, so if the hardtop was added later and the trim tag says it was built originally without it, you'll get a minor deduction for the mounting holes in the fiberglass lid.
              Here's a reverse example, currently on eBay; a '65 396 ordered with hardtop only 2C07BA on the window sticker, at zero cost [because there was no soft top], and the trim tag reads 450BA, which follows what John H. says. Apparently, according to Noland, 1277 were so-ordered (suffix BA), which surprises me. For this particular car, some prior owner has added a soft top, so I imagine that in Bloomington Gold judging there'd be a loss of points because the soft top latch holes and hardware are present.

              An original Los Angeles buyer perhaps explains why no convertible top ("it never rains in Southern California").
              Attached Files
              Last edited by Wayne M.; October 8, 2011, 05:31 PM.


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