Another question on repop batteries - NCRS Discussion Boards

Another question on repop batteries

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  • Norris W.
    Very Frequent User
    • November 30, 1982
    • 683

    Another question on repop batteries

    As I posted on the previous one on Restoration Battery, I've got one in my LS6 Chevelle, new last year and not altogether pleased. It hasn't failed yet, but I really don't like the small drag race type battery housed in a thin plastic case for $300 bucks plus when the battery itself is way less than half that from Summit.

    Anyway, I had the Chevelle at a car show last weekend and the car that got Best of Show had a battery in it that looked very authentic. The owner said it's a full size battery and not a hollow case with a mini inside. My problem with the mini is that I wonder how well it's going to do with one of the big blocks when they get in their hard to start when hot mode.

    The battery I saw was from TurboStart and the owner said he'd had very good luck with them. I thought he said his was a full size gel, but their website says they're wet/acid batteries and have to be filled after shipping.

    Does anybody have any experience with these?
  • Ronald L.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • October 18, 2009
    • 3248

    Re: Another question on repop batteries

    Norris, RB makes them both. Could be a reseller as RB has a number of people pawning their stuff. I still don't like their idea they are going to propose that batteries for Corvette came from an erroneous non existent city in Kansas when the evidence from Delco is that batteries for STL came from Anderson IND....and they date the batteries for the day a month ahead of your cars birthday. I haven't done it but I bet you can find one of those falling on a holiday or weekend and at least for C2, overtime was not like what it became in the mid to late 70's.


    • Russ S.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • April 30, 1982
      • 2158

      Re: Another question on repop batteries

      Originally posted by Norris Wallace (6139)
      As I posted on the previous one on Restoration Battery, I've got one in my LS6 Chevelle, new last year and not altogether pleased. It hasn't failed yet, but I really don't like the small drag race type battery housed in a thin plastic case for $300 bucks plus when the battery itself is way less than half that from Summit.

      Anyway, I had the Chevelle at a car show last weekend and the car that got Best of Show had a battery in it that looked very authentic. The owner said it's a full size battery and not a hollow case with a mini inside. My problem with the mini is that I wonder how well it's going to do with one of the big blocks when they get in their hard to start when hot mode.

      The battery I saw was from TurboStart and the owner said he'd had very good luck with them. I thought he said his was a full size gel, but their website says they're wet/acid batteries and have to be filled after shipping.

      Does anybody have any experience with these?

      Attached are emails from me to TurboStart regarding their battery for a 66. Does this sound like it would judge well?
      Attached Files


      • Ronald L.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • October 18, 2009
        • 3248

        Re: Another question on repop batteries

        Are they same firm as the firm of old? New Castle Battery since that is where they are located (New Castle PA)???

        The tar is not identical. The other thing about many I have seen is that on the side they say just that, not made by Delco Remy made by New Castle Battery.

        There was one of these shops RB IIRC that was now putting this logo on the bottom where its harder to see.

        Any of these beat an optima for appearance.


        • Brian K.
          • May 31, 2004
          • 358

          Re: Another question on repop batteries

          Yep Axion was New Castle.


          • Lyndon S.
            • April 30, 1988
            • 1027

            Re: Another question on repop batteries

            your LS-6 should take the R89W right? so no one is making a repop R89W any more? years ago I bought one that was open cell repop R89W
            I think it came from new castle.


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