1978 L82 pace car garage find ! 13 miles in the wrapper. - NCRS Discussion Boards

1978 L82 pace car garage find ! 13 miles in the wrapper.

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  • Tom R.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • June 30, 1993
    • 4068

    Re: 1978 L82 pace car garage find ! 13 miles in the wrapper.

    Originally posted by Greg Anderson (30666)
    Hi Tom H. I would love to see any pictures of the engine compartment you can take of that car before it leaves your dealership. While I earned a top flight nearly 10 years ago, I'm still finding things that aren't quite right with my 100K+ L-48 "CA emissions dog".

    And I think Tom R. is correct...Tom M. has a replacement front air duct on that '79!

    I've got an L48 M38 regular emission and the difference between Y5F and NA2 is the A.I.R. As you have questions, feel free to drop me a note.

    I'm curious...what is the GM part# and broadcast code on your CA emission Carb? Look vertically on the driver's side toward the rear.
    Tom Russo

    78 SA NCRS 5 Star Bowtie
    78 Pace Car L82 M21
    00 MY/TR/Conv


    • Tom M.
      • December 31, 1992
      • 716

      Re: 1978 L82 pace car garage find ! 13 miles in the wrapper.

      Originally posted by Tom Russo (22903)
      Why does the front air duct look like a service replacement?
      Tom, It's the original ........LOL


      • Tom M.
        • December 31, 1992
        • 716

        Re: 1978 L82 pace car garage find ! 13 miles in the wrapper.

        Originally posted by Joe Lucia (12484)

        As I mentioned, I think that the 78-79 Corvette is the best looking Corvette of the 74-82 period (of course, in my opinion ALL Corvettes look great).

        However, I've got to say that in my opinion, the front and rear spoilers actually detract form the appearance of these cars.
        I'm selling my 4 original mile 79, L-82 4 speed at Barrett-Jackson in January


        • Greg G.
          • March 31, 2005
          • 27

          Re: 1978 L82 pace car garage find ! 13 miles in the wrapper.

          I bought one new and drove it a total of 2000 miles before I realized they should be enjoyed but not driven so I stopped driving it. I look at it this way.... I don't necessarily want to drive it right now but I do want to enjoy owning its condition knowing I retain the capacity to drive it if I want to when I want to.


          • Michael F.
            • June 4, 2009
            • 291

            Re: 1978 L82 pace car garage find ! 13 miles in the wrapper.

            Originally posted by Joe Lucia (12484)

            Here's my thinking: the 1978-79 Corvettes had the cleanest, "flowing" lines since 1973. In addition, they had many commonalities with the clean, "flowing" lines of the 1963-67 Corvette coupes. The addition of the spoilers breaks up those clean, flowing lines. They also appear very "tacked on".

            A great deal of styling effort goes into establishing the body style for any car and, especially, a Corvette. That effort is greatly "diluted" and somewhat "neutralized" by the addition of any "tacked on" body parts that were not really part of the basic design.
            When HP faded, "tacked on" items became the norm. "tacked on" defines the whole tacky decade of the 70s. GM was putting spoilers on everything.
            I got use to it. IHMO they helped high speed stability. I bought a new L-82 4-speed in '79. I liked them. As much as you can like a post 72 Vette.


            • Joseph T.
              • April 30, 1976
              • 2074

              Re: 1978 L82 pace car garage find ! 13 miles in the wrapper.

              Originally posted by Joe Lucia (12484)

              Here's my thinking: the 1978-79 Corvettes had the cleanest, "flowing" lines since 1973. In addition, they had many commonalities with the clean, "flowing" lines of the 1963-67 Corvette coupes. The addition of the spoilers breaks up those clean, flowing lines. They also appear very "tacked on".

              A great deal of styling effort goes into establishing the body style for any car and, especially, a Corvette. That effort is greatly "diluted" and somewhat "neutralized" by the addition of any "tacked on" body parts that were not really part of the basic design.
              I owned and drove 1978 Pace car #541..I put 150,000 miles on it and loved every minute of it. Had 8 track, CB and cloth/leather seats.

              Joe to your point..it was popular at the time for others years to be painted in the Black and Silver scheme. I remember a 69 that really looked great in the Pace car colors.



              • Tom H.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • November 30, 1993
                • 3440

                Re: 1978 L82 pace car garage find ! 13 miles in the wrapper.

                Originally posted by Greg Anderson (30666)
                Hi Tom H. I would love to see any pictures of the engine compartment you can take of that car before it leaves your dealership. While I earned a top flight nearly 10 years ago, I'm still finding things that aren't quite right with my 100K+ L-48 "CA emissions dog".

                And I think Tom R. is correct...Tom M. has a replacement front air duct on that '79!
                Hi Greg !

                The car is gone, but i have some shots left of it. Drop me a direct email and I'll shoot 'em over to you. tom@budschevy.com
                Tom Hendricks
                Proud Member NCRS #23758
                NCM Founding Member # 1143
                Corvette Department Manager and
                Specialist for 27 years at BUDS Chevrolet.


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