NOS Teakwood steering wheel

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  • John S.
    • January 1, 1998
    • 81

    NOS Teakwood steering wheel

    I have an original Teakwood steering wheel for my 65 corvette. The wood has not been on a wheel as yet. What kind of glue do I use to put the two parts together? What do I do after I glue them on the wheel? Are the seams filled with anything? Thank you in advance.
  • David L.
    • August 1, 1980
    • 3310

    Re: NOS Teakwood steering wheel

    I don't quite understand. Is your wheel really NOS or did the wood pieces just become unglued?
    There is an article in the Corvette Restorer (Vol. 7, No. 1 --- Summer 1980, pages 2-4) by Joe Clark about 65-66 teakwood steering wheels. It may not help much but it's a start.



    • John S.
      • January 1, 1998
      • 81

      Re: NOS Teakwood steering wheel

      These are the pieces of teakwood which have never been on a wheel. They have the grooves to be put on the wheel but they do not even have the 3 cutouts for the center piece.


      • John H.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • December 1, 1997
        • 16513

        Re: NOS Teakwood steering wheel

        Originally posted by John Smith (29987)
        These are the pieces of teakwood which have never been on a wheel. They have the grooves to be put on the wheel but they do not even have the 3 cutouts for the center piece.
        John -

        I'm not sure what you have, but both the front side and back side of a teak wheel have nine separate arc-shaped pieces of teak, with 1/32" thick shims between the ends of the pieces. Do you have a "kit" of some sort? There's a whole lot more to a teak wheel than just gluing wooden rings to a core.


        • Dick W.
          Former NCRS Director Region IV
          • July 1, 1985
          • 10483

          Re: NOS Teakwood steering wheel

          Over the years I have opened sealed boxes on three teak wheels and have never seen what you are talking about. A photo would be worth 10,000 words.
          Dick Whittington


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