6" Wheel

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  • Steve V.
    Frequent User
    • June 28, 2011
    • 95

    6" Wheel

    Can anyone give me a source and part number for a 15 x 6" wheel that will work on a '60 with the front disc brake conversion and have the correct backset?

    Thanks. Steve
    Opportunity is missed by most people
    because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
    Thomas Edison
  • Jeff B.
    Very Frequent User
    • November 6, 2008
    • 154



    • Duke W.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • January 1, 1993
      • 15490

      Re: 6" Wheel

      I don't know anything about your disk brake conversion, but the '67 Rally Wheel reproductions are not that expensive and worth a look. They are 15"x 6" with +0.060" offset and have the "classic" GM bolt pattern that applies to C1s through C3s.

      Assuming no track change from OE with the disk brake conversion, they will widen the track of your C1 about 3/4" due to less positive offset than the OE wheels, but the wheel wells should have plenty of clearance to fit a 215/70R-15 tire.



      • Steve V.
        Frequent User
        • June 28, 2011
        • 95

        Re: 6" Wheel

        Thanks for the information guys. I have talked to a wheel manufacturer today and he can build a rally style wheel with a specified backset (within limits) that will clear the calipers. What I need to find out next is whether or not the conversion moves the track width. I'll call CC tomorrow and post a question here also tonight.

        What's the best way to fix the wheel to hold the wheelcovers? Just mig weld a bead to match the original?

        Opportunity is missed by most people
        because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
        Thomas Edison


        • Terry D.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • June 1, 1987
          • 2684

          Re: 6" Wheel

          If you have not done the conversion yet I would check with one of the specialty brake companies rather than CC. Master Power Brakes is one, ECI is another. That's what these people do all day, no offence to CC but they are a parts seller, not an installer or manufacturer. A lot of there parts are not made in the USA. Most ads you see for early Corvette disc brake conversions say they take a 15 inch wheel. If you want to run 14's it takes a special disc brake wheel. Just my old 2 cents.

          PS let us know what you end up with and how it worked out.


          • Gary B.
            • October 1, 1987
            • 305

            Re: 6" Wheel

            Originally posted by Steve Vaughn (53480)
            What's the best way to fix the wheel to hold the wheelcovers? Just mig weld a bead to match the original?
            I made a template of an original wheel bumps and had a welder put on the bumps to hold the wheel cover.


            • Bruce B.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • June 1, 1996
              • 2930

              Re: 6" Wheel


              I am attaching a few pictures of a 15 X 6 wheel which I got with my 65 which is a disk brake car. I have not tried it on the car.
              No bumps on the large diameter but it appears it might take dog dish type hubcaps.

              Bruce B
              Attached Files


              • Jerry B.
                Very Frequent User
                • September 1, 1994
                • 416

                Re: 6" Wheel

                Would these wheels have the proper setbacks for a stock brake system on a 1957?


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