c2 vent glass removal & re-install assy into the chrome frame

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  • Al R.
    Very Frequent User
    • July 1, 1988
    • 687

    c2 vent glass removal & re-install assy into the chrome frame

    Anyone got any tips on removing the original glass from the vent window SS trim, so the trim & glass can be refinished? The vent window has already been removed from the chrome frame. I did a search in the archives-no help. I don't want to chip or shatter original glass & due to time constraints, I will be doing this in my shop. Also, is there a tried & true, safe way to re-install the glass with trim back into the chrome frame without breaking the wing or glass? TIA
  • Terry M.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • October 1, 1980
    • 15541

    Re: c2 vent glass removal & re-install assy into the chrome frame

    Google is your friend:

    This also was in The Corvette Restorer within your membership time.


    • Kenneth S.
      • August 1, 1981
      • 302

      Re: c2 vent glass removal & re-install assy into the chrome frame

      Gordon "Pete" Peterson did an article in the Restorer titled "Mid-Year Vent Window Installation and it shows a picture of a clamp setup he used to install the glass. It was in the Spring '05 issue, (Vol 31 Issue 4 Page 11). If you don't have that issue, send me an email and I'll send it to you.


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