62 Hood Bumpers installed before blackout?

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  • Anthony P.
    • June 28, 2010
    • 485

    62 Hood Bumpers installed before blackout?

    Was the hood bumper hardware (adjustable post, nut/washer) that mounts on the female latch assemblies in place before the blackout process?

    I am trying to determine if there should be over spray on it. Over the past few months, I have looked at a few top flight cars and have seen paint and no paint.


  • John H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • December 1, 1997
    • 16513

    Re: 62 Hood Bumpers installed before blackout?

    Originally posted by Anthony Palmieri (51911)
    Was the hood bumper hardware (adjustable post, nut/washer) that mounts on the female latch assemblies in place before the blackout process?

    I am trying to determine if there should be over spray on it. Over the past few months, I have looked at a few top flight cars and have seen paint and no paint.


    Tony -

    The St. Louis Paint Shop Process Notes I have from Harry Jones (who was there) indicate that those hood bumpers were installed in the Body Shop, with the female latches.


    • Anthony P.
      • June 28, 2010
      • 485

      Re: 62 Hood Bumpers installed before blackout?

      Thanks John,

      So then, that answers the question that there should be some amount of blackout at least on the bottom of the post and the nut/washer.



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