1967 Corvette Brake Master and Caliper Numbers - NCRS Discussion Boards

1967 Corvette Brake Master and Caliper Numbers

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  • David S.
    Very Frequent User
    • August 9, 2009
    • 595

    1967 Corvette Brake Master and Caliper Numbers


    Can someone provide me with the correct part numbers for a 67 Corvette Calipers and DC master cylinder. All non PB.

  • Joseph M.
    • June 30, 1999
    • 334

    Re: 1967 Corvette Brake Master and Caliper Numbers

    This subject has been discussed numerous times. If you do a search you'll find the information you're seeking.


    • Wayne M.
      • February 29, 1980
      • 6414

      Re: 1967 Corvette Brake Master and Caliper Numbers

      As for the calipers, Joe Lucia's response (post # 2 in this thread link from 2005) should help.

      I found this in the "Similar Threads" section at the bottom of your thread. It's located so far down on the page that we often miss this feature. Google it ain't, but occasionally (in this case) it strikes gold.


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