66 steering column rebuild

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  • Carl M.
    • April 1, 2005
    • 6

    66 steering column rebuild

    I am rebuilding a standard 66 steering column and cannot determine the part that goes into the slot on the steering column jacket bell - top of steering column - passenger side. I have found a "turn signal housing lock wedge with screw" that seems to be what I need, but it's listed for 53 -63 only. Can anyone tell me what I need and where to get it?
  • Michael G.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • January 1, 1997
    • 1251

    Re: 66 steering column rebuild

    Originally posted by Carl McDevitt (43658)
    I am rebuilding a standard 66 steering column and cannot determine the part that goes into the slot on the steering column jacket bell - top of steering column - passenger side. I have found a "turn signal housing lock wedge with screw" that seems to be what I need, but it's listed for 53 -63 only. Can anyone tell me what I need and where to get it?
    Do you possess a ASM for a '66 Corvette? Invaluable for these cars.


    • Michael H.
      • January 29, 2008
      • 7477

      Re: 66 steering column rebuild

      Originally posted by Carl McDevitt (43658)
      I am rebuilding a standard 66 steering column and cannot determine the part that goes into the slot on the steering column jacket bell - top of steering column - passenger side. I have found a "turn signal housing lock wedge with screw" that seems to be what I need, but it's listed for 53 -63 only. Can anyone tell me what I need and where to get it?

      If I remember correctly, the hole, screw and wedge were only used for past models but not 64-66. The hole should be open/empty.


      • Carl M.
        • April 1, 2005
        • 6

        Re: 66 steering column rebuild

        I have an assembly manual, but it does not show this very well


        • Carl M.
          • April 1, 2005
          • 6

          Re: 66 steering column rebuild

          Thanks. This seems a little strange, but I obivously don't know!!


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