fuel gage reading

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  • James F.
    • October 1, 2004
    • 1

    fuel gage reading

    When we bought our 66 in April, It had a new fuel sensor element installed in the gas tank. I found that when the tank is full, the gage reads slightly over 1/2. When the gage reads empty, I have 1/2 tank. Was the wrong element used? Installed incorrectly? Thanks in advance for any help here.
  • John H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • December 1, 1997
    • 16513

    Re: fuel gage reading

    Originally posted by James Farnsworth (42597)
    When we bought our 66 in April, It had a new fuel sensor element installed in the gas tank. I found that when the tank is full, the gage reads slightly over 1/2. When the gage reads empty, I have 1/2 tank. Was the wrong element used? Installed incorrectly? Thanks in advance for any help here.
    James -

    With a linear error like that, it sounds like the float arm was bent when the sender was installed; if you have small arms, you should be able to reach inside the tank and "un-bend" the float arm until the gauge reads correctly. Photo below shows what the sender looks like out of the tank.
    Attached Files


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