427 TI Problems

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  • Mark K.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 1, 1983
    • 147

    Re: 427 TI Problems

    Originally posted by William Hyndman (45161)
    Fuel is 4 months and I should double check the idle mixture screws. Thanks for the suggestions.
    Check to see what your voltage output is on your dash at low rpm. I was finding that there was low voltage just when my engine would stall. Readjusting it fixed the problem.
    1967 L71 Silver/Black Coupe - Unrestored/Original Paint, Top Flight at 1998 Regional in Ontario, not judged since
    1995 Red/Red ZR-1 - Top Flight back in 2010 Michigan Chapter meet


    • William H.
      Very Frequent User
      • January 1, 2006
      • 209

      Re: 427 TI Problems

      Thanks, Mark. Appreciate the expertise and will do.
      Bill Hyndman

      The 'Sound of Freedom' if not a UH-60 Blackhawk, then it must be a Corvette!

      1962 Big Brake Fuelie
      1965 Fuelie Convertible
      1968 L89 Convertible


      • Timothy B.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • May 1, 1983
        • 5172

        Re: 427 TI Problems


        I agree with Dick, you can use aerosol to find the leak or unlit propane gas bottle. Problem with aerosol is that everything you spray will remove paint so be careful. Try to plug the power brake vacuum take off and the vacuum to the vacuum tank to isolate the engine as the problem.

        If the car is warm at curb (low) idle, and the choke needs to be closed to idle the engine there is a good chance it's a leak with one of the holleys. Best way IMO to tune troubleshoot tri power is to remove and block off end carburetors and tune primary carburetor first then install end carbs and tune for WOT A/F ratio. If the camshaft and compression is stock the factory jets, power valve etc will get you a good running car. I think the end carbs have a metering plate instead of metering block so lots of places for vacuum and gas leaks.

        What was done to the carburetors when you stste they are set to factory settings..


        • William H.
          Very Frequent User
          • January 1, 2006
          • 209

          Re: 427 TI Problems

          Thanks, Dick. I'm going to give that a try tomorrow. Appreciate your expertise. Bill
          Bill Hyndman

          The 'Sound of Freedom' if not a UH-60 Blackhawk, then it must be a Corvette!

          1962 Big Brake Fuelie
          1965 Fuelie Convertible
          1968 L89 Convertible


          • Dick W.
            Former NCRS Director Region IV
            • July 1, 1985
            • 10483

            Re: 427 TI Problems

            Originally posted by Timothy Barbieri (6542)

            I agree with Dick, you can use aerosol to find the leak or unlit propane gas bottle. Problem with aerosol is that everything you spray will remove paint so be careful. Try to plug the power brake vacuum take off and the vacuum to the vacuum tank to isolate the engine as the problem.

            If the car is warm at curb (low) idle, and the choke needs to be closed to idle the engine there is a good chance it's a leak with one of the holleys. Best way IMO to tune troubleshoot tri power is to remove and block off end carburetors and tune primary carburetor first then install end carbs and tune for WOT A/F ratio. If the camshaft and compression is stock the factory jets, power valve etc will get you a good running car. I think the end carbs have a metering plate instead of metering block so lots of places for vacuum and gas leaks.

            What was done to the carburetors when you stste they are set to factory settings..
            Tim I use propane, but am hesitant to tell others to do it. You have a source of ignition and a very flammable gase in a small area. I just do not want the liability if someone gets hurt and they tell their lawyer old Dick Whittington told me that was the way to do it.
            Dick Whittington


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