1966 Blinking Brake Light

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  • Eugene D.
    • May 23, 2011
    • 33

    1966 Blinking Brake Light

    The red brake light on the dash of my 1966 L79 Corvette has been blinking (when parking brake is activated) ever since I purchased her over a month ago. I did need to bleed the brake lines on the power brake system and received much help/advice from members on NCRS TDB; for this I thank everyone for their insight. Now that the brakes lines are free from air, the brake light still continues to flash when the parking brakes are activated. Is the brake light meant to blink when the parking brake is activated or is it supposed to remain constant? If it's to remain solid does this mean I have additional problems with the brake system?
  • Bill M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 1, 1977
    • 1386

    Re: 1966 Blinking Brake Light

    Originally posted by Eugene DiGiacomo (53364)
    The red brake light on the dash of my 1966 L79 Corvette has been blinking (when parking brake is activated) ever since I purchased her over a month ago. I did need to bleed the brake lines on the power brake system and received much help/advice from members on NCRS TDB; for this I thank everyone for their insight. Now that the brakes lines are free from air, the brake light still continues to flash when the parking brakes are activated. Is the brake light meant to blink when the parking brake is activated or is it supposed to remain constant? If it's to remain solid does this mean I have additional problems with the brake system?

    It blinking indicates that the parking brake is on. It is not connected to the hydraulic brake system at all. You're good to go...and lucky it works!

    Last edited by Bill M.; June 24, 2011, 12:16 PM. Reason: it blinks when working right.


    • Eugene D.
      • May 23, 2011
      • 33

      Re: 1966 Blinking Brake Light


      Thanks for your response, I was concerned I had additional problems with the brakes; that takes alot off my mind.

      Thanks again for your help......



      • John H.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • December 1, 1997
        • 16513

        Re: 1966 Blinking Brake Light

        Originally posted by Eugene DiGiacomo (53364)

        Thanks for your response, I was concerned I had additional problems with the brakes; that takes alot off my mind.

        Thanks again for your help......

        Gene -

        If you'll take a wander through your Owner's Manual, you'll find the function of both the "Brake" and "Lights" flashing red warning lights explained.


        • Michael H.
          • January 29, 2008
          • 7477

          Re: 1966 Blinking Brake Light

          Originally posted by John Hinckley (29964)
          Gene -

          If you'll take a wander through your Owner's Manual, you'll find the function of both the "Brake" and "Lights" flashing red warning lights explained.
          An automobile "Owners Manual". The most widely published, yet least read book on the planet.
          Last edited by Michael H.; June 24, 2011, 05:45 PM.


          • Joe R.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • August 1, 1976
            • 4545

            Re: 1966 Blinking Brake Light

            Originally posted by Michael Hanson (4067)
            An automobile "Owners Manual". The most widely published, yet least read book on the planed.

            You mean on the "Planet"?

            That's the reason it's the least read! People have a problem with reading and writing!!!!



            • Michael H.
              • January 29, 2008
              • 7477

              Re: 1966 Blinking Brake Light

              Originally posted by Joe Ray (1011)
              You mean on the "Planet"?

              That's the reason it's the least read! People have a problem with reading and writing!!!!

              Are you the spelling checker guy now? Ok, I fixed it.


              • Paul J.
                • September 10, 2008
                • 2091

                Re: 1966 Blinking Brake Light

                Originally posted by John Hinckley (29964)
                Gene -

                If you'll take a wander through your Owner's Manual, you'll find the function of both the "Brake" and "Lights" flashing red warning lights explained.
                My mother used to take the Owner's Manual for every new car and put it in the kitchen with all of the other appliance manuals. Almost all of the used cars that I purchased before the last 15 years did not have the Owner's Manual. There should be a law.

                The first thing that I do when I provide a car for my kids to drive is to make them read the Owner's Manual (as if they really do it). As I get older and cars have more gadgets, I spend more time with the Owner's Manual too.


                • William C.
                  NCRS Past President
                  • June 1, 1975
                  • 6037

                  Re: 1966 Blinking Brake Light

                  GE #257 bulb provides the "blinker" function should one need to restore a constant off or constant item issue.
                  Bill Clupper #618


                  • John H.
                    Beyond Control Poster
                    • December 1, 1997
                    • 16513

                    Re: 1966 Blinking Brake Light

                    Originally posted by Paul Jordan (49474)
                    The first thing that I do when I provide a car for my kids to drive is to make them read the Owner's Manual (as if they really do it). As I get older and cars have more gadgets, I spend more time with the Owner's Manual too.
                    Between all the black-bordered warnings to fend off the plaintiff attorneys, the federally-required warnings, and all the advisories for folks who simply don't understand anything about cars, the owner's manuals have become a chore to read. The manual for my relatively simple 2010 Dodge Avenger R/T is 436 pages. My neighbor's E-Class Mercedes manual is over 700 pages.


                    • Paul J.
                      • September 10, 2008
                      • 2091

                      Re: 1966 Blinking Brake Light

                      Originally posted by John Hinckley (29964)
                      Between all the black-bordered warnings to fend off the plaintiff attorneys, the federally-required warnings, and all the advisories for folks who simply don't understand anything about cars, the owner's manuals have become a chore to read. The manual for my relatively simple 2010 Dodge Avenger R/T is 436 pages. My neighbor's E-Class Mercedes manual is over 700 pages.


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