1960 exhaust cut-out pics

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  • Greg L.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 1, 2006
    • 2291

    1960 exhaust cut-out pics

    I was wondering if someone could post some pics of the rear fender details with the bumpers removed showing the exhaust openings.

    By the looks of it my car once had side pipes and the openings in the rear of the fenders had been filled and the metal tubes removed at that time. I have the repop tubes and tail pipes and would like to get them in over the weekend. The bumpers are off and I can see more or less where the tubes probably go but without pics of an original I'll be guessing for the most part. The oval shaped cut-outs in the trunk area are open so I should be okay there.

  • Joe M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • May 1, 1990
    • 1337

    Re: 1960 exhaust cut-out pics

    A month ago, I could have provided the photos you needed from my 1960. Will photos of the exhaust tubes in place as seen from the wells inside the trunk help? If so, let me know.


    • Donald H.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • November 2, 2009
      • 2562

      Re: 1960 exhaust cut-out pics

      I just so happen to have my 60 body off the frame for cleaning. Here are some pictures. Let me know if you need more of a specific area.
      Attached Files
      Don Harris
      Current: 67 convertible Marina Blue L79
      Former: 60 Red/Red, 2x4, 245hp (Regional and National Top Flight 2013), 66 coupe Nassau Blue, L79 (Chapter and Regional Top Flight 2017)


      • Joe M.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • May 1, 1990
        • 1337

        Re: 1960 exhaust cut-out pics

        Donald Harris is THE man for documentation photos for 1960. Thanks for sharing your photos.


        • Greg L.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • March 1, 2006
          • 2291

          Re: 1960 exhaust cut-out pics

          Thanks for the help guys.

          Donald that's just what I was looking for. After looking at your pics I had a look at my car and now I can see the screw holes where the back of the tube attached to the body so that will help with getting them back in the right place too.


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