Keep you feet and your LS6 on the ground! - NCRS Discussion Boards

Keep you feet and your LS6 on the ground!

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  • Rich G.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • August 31, 2002
    • 1394

    Keep you feet and your LS6 on the ground!

    From the NTSB site. The airplane burned to the ground after an off airport landing due to engine failure. Check out the choice of power plant

    Aircraft: Bowley Murphy, registration: N189SB
    Injuries: 1 Uninjured.

    According to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) information, the airplane was manufactured by the pilot in 2006. According to the pilot, the airplane was equipped with a fuel-injected Chevrolet Corvette LS6 engine that utilized a "high pressure" fuel system. The pilot stated that all fuel lines forward of the firewall were fire-sleeved. FAA-provided information,which documented a similar event in September 2006, involving the same pilot and the same airplane. The pilot was taxiing at DVT when a fire erupted in the engine compartment; the cause was attributed to a fuel line that became disconnected, and sprayed fuel onto the hot engine.
    1966 L79 Convertible. Milano Maroon
    1968 L71 Coupe. Rally Red (Sold 6/21)
    1963 Corvair Monza Convertible
  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • January 31, 1988
    • 43160

    Re: Keep you feet and your LS6 on the ground!

    Originally posted by Rich Gianotti (38594)
    From the NTSB site. The airplane burned to the ground after an off airport landing due to engine failure. Check out the choice of power plant

    Aircraft: Bowley Murphy, registration: N189SB
    Injuries: 1 Uninjured.

    According to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) information, the airplane was manufactured by the pilot in 2006. According to the pilot, the airplane was equipped with a fuel-injected Chevrolet Corvette LS6 engine that utilized a "high pressure" fuel system. The pilot stated that all fuel lines forward of the firewall were fire-sleeved. FAA-provided information,which documented a similar event in September 2006, involving the same pilot and the same airplane. The pilot was taxiing at DVT when a fire erupted in the engine compartment; the cause was attributed to a fuel line that became disconnected, and sprayed fuel onto the hot engine.

    I wouldn't be caught dead flying ANY homebuilt airplane and. especially, any homebuilt using a "converted" automobile engine, of Corvette origin or otherwise.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Mike G.
      • July 31, 2002
      • 709

      Re: Keep you feet and your LS6 on the ground!

      Originally posted by Joe Lucia (12484)

      I wouldn't be caught dead flying ANY homebuilt airplane and. especially, any homebuilt using a "converted" automobile engine, of Corvette origin or otherwise.
      or you might be caught dead in it.


      • Tom P.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • March 31, 1980
        • 1812

        Re: Keep you feet and your LS6 on the ground!

        Originally posted by Joe Lucia (12484)

        I wouldn't be caught dead flying ANY homebuilt airplane and. especially, any homebuilt using a "converted" automobile engine, of Corvette origin or otherwise.
        Then we won't invite you to fly in ours when it's finished.


        • Joe L.
          Beyond Control Poster
          • January 31, 1988
          • 43160

          Re: Keep you feet and your LS6 on the ground!

          Originally posted by Tom Parsons (3491)
          Then we won't invite you to fly in ours when it's finished.


          That's not a homebuilt and it certainly doesn't use converted automobile engines.
          In Appreciation of John Hinckley


          • Clem Z.
            • December 31, 2005
            • 9427

            Re: Keep you feet and your LS6 on the ground!

            how about this use for the corvette engines ???


            • Joe L.
              Beyond Control Poster
              • January 31, 1988
              • 43160

              Re: Keep you feet and your LS6 on the ground!

              Originally posted by Clem Zahrobsky (45134)
              how about this use for the corvette engines ???

              These engines are basically manufactured by GM and "dressed out" by the various OEM marine engine outfits like Mercury Marine and others. You can find them in the "marine engines" section of the web-site.
              In Appreciation of John Hinckley


              • Clem Z.
                • December 31, 2005
                • 9427

                Re: Keep you feet and your LS6 on the ground!

                Originally posted by Joe Lucia (12484)

                These engines are basically manufactured by GM and "dressed out" by the various OEM marine engine outfits like Mercury Marine and others. You can find them in the "marine engines" section of the web-site.
                these engines are converted to outboards not inboards like GM sells. this thing has to be quite large for a outboard.


                • Joe L.
                  Beyond Control Poster
                  • January 31, 1988
                  • 43160

                  Re: Keep you feet and your LS6 on the ground!

                  Originally posted by Clem Zahrobsky (45134)
                  these engines are converted to outboards not inboards like GM sells. this thing has to be quite large for a outboard.


                  I wonder who would want an outboard engine as heavy and unwieldy as these must be? It would seem like the advantages of an outboard would be effectively negated. One might just as well go with an inboard.
                  In Appreciation of John Hinckley


                  • Clem Z.
                    • December 31, 2005
                    • 9427

                    Re: Keep you feet and your LS6 on the ground!

                    Originally posted by Joe Lucia (12484)

                    I wonder who would want an outboard engine as heavy and unwieldy as these must be? It would seem like the advantages of an outboard would be effectively negated. One might just as well go with an inboard.
                    those outboard guys like HP as i saw one in Fla. with 4 300HP outboards on the transom.


                    • John H.
                      Beyond Control Poster
                      • November 30, 1997
                      • 16513

                      Re: Keep you feet and your LS6 on the ground!

                      Originally posted by Clem Zahrobsky (45134)
                      those outboard guys like HP as i saw one in Fla. with 4 300HP outboards on the transom.
                      Clem -

                      When 1200hp isn't adequate, some guys go for 2000 .
                      Attached Files


                      • Dick W.
                        Former NCRS Director Region IV
                        • June 30, 1985
                        • 10483

                        Re: Keep you feet and your LS6 on the ground!

                        Originally posted by John Hinckley (29964)
                        Clem -

                        When 1200hp isn't adequate, some guys go for 2000 .
                        Does it tow the fuel tender, or is that a separate boat??
                        Dick Whittington


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