ignition swith removal

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  • Roger B.
    Frequent User
    • July 1, 1991
    • 82

    ignition swith removal

    How can I remove the ignition swith on my 62?
    I have been told to insert paper clips in the two holes, but nothing happens.
  • Christopher R.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 1, 1975
    • 1597

    Re: ignition swith removal

    Keep jiggling it. It'll come out.

    A '62 switch is only supposed to have one hole. A switch with two holes is a replacement one. I forget which hole you should use. But put the paper clip in one and turn the key counterclockwise. As I said, jiggle it.


    • Joseph S.
      Very Frequent User
      • March 1, 1985
      • 789

      Re: ignition swith removal

      Originally posted by Roger Behrens (19514)
      How can I remove the ignition swith on my 62?
      I have been told to insert paper clips in the two holes, but nothing happens.
      Roger, Make sure the ignition is in accessories position before inserting the paperclip. If there are 2 holes it is the top one for the detent.

      Good luck, Joe


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