1972 - LT 1 bell housing paint overspray - NCRS Discussion Boards

1972 - LT 1 bell housing paint overspray

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  • Jerome P.
    • October 22, 2006
    • 607

    1972 - LT 1 bell housing paint overspray

    How much engine overspray was typical on the bell housing of a small block 1972.

    Any pictures would be appreciated
  • Michael G.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • December 31, 1996
    • 1251

    Re: 1972 - LT 1 bell housing paint overspray

    Originally posted by Jerome Pederson (46381)
    How much engine overspray was typical on the bell housing of a small block 1972.

    Any pictures would be appreciated

    I think you can do this one w/o pics. The bell housing as you know was bolted to engine during the engine painting process. The bell received some over spray around it's perimeter as the block was painted. In other words....not much paint made it on to the bell housing.


    • Terry M.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • September 30, 1980
      • 15543

      Re: 1972 - LT 1 bell housing paint overspray

      Originally posted by Jerome Pederson (46381)
      How much engine overspray was typical on the bell housing of a small block 1972.

      Any pictures would be appreciated
      The answer is: About the same as any other small block produced by Flint.

      I will offer a hint: There is a description in the 1970-72 TIM&JG. No picture however.


      • Jerome P.
        • October 22, 2006
        • 607

        Re: 1972 - LT 1 bell housing paint overspray

        Terry, I appreciate your comment, but the TIM&JG states in paragraph 19 of the Mechanical section: (All engines were painted Chevrolet orange. They were painted with the water pump, harmonic damper, ....... and manual shift bell housing in place)

        I have gotten conflicting comments from what the TIM&JG says to - some over spray existed.

        Pat Hulst's picture album of his '72 5-star bow tie coupe which shows no no over spray, at least on the bottom.

        Also see the thread started by Dennis Stubee - https://www.forums.ncrs.org/showthre...spray&uid=5126

        I am just interested if the bell housing is completely painted or if there is some over spray and if there is how much.

        I am of the opinion that the bell housing did receive paint on the sides and top, but that was a result of overspray while painting the engine.

        Your thoughts and that of others would be appreciated.



        • Patrick H.
          Beyond Control Poster
          • November 30, 1989
          • 11561

          Re: 1972 - LT 1 bell housing paint overspray

          I'm going to say 4-6 inches back based on original cars, but YMMV as they say...
          Vice-Chairman (West), Michigan Chapter NCRS
          71 "deer modified" coupe
          72 5-Star Bowtie / Duntov coupe. https://www.flickr.com/photos/124695...57649252735124
          2008 coupe
          Available stickers: Engine suffix code, exhaust tips & mufflers, shocks, AIR diverter valve broadcast code.


          • Terry M.
            Beyond Control Poster
            • September 30, 1980
            • 15543

            Re: 1972 - LT 1 bell housing paint overspray

            Originally posted by Jerome Pederson (46381)
            I am just interested if the bell housing is completely painted or if there is some over spray and if there is how much.

            I am of the opinion that the bell housing did receive paint on the sides and top, but that was a result of overspray while painting the engine.

            Your thoughts and that of others would be appreciated.


            I absolutely agree with the bolded part of your statement. There are variations, depending on engine plant (not an issue for this thread so far) and engine horsepower and production date. I thought we mentioned some of those differences in the TIM&JG. Now I will have to look for the benefit of future searchers. The above statement by you is an accurate generalization absent any evidence from the engine itself.

            I actually think we say more about engine paint, but now you will make me look. It should be in the section devoted to "engine orange" as that is the line on the judging sheets where engine paint is addressed.

            Edit add: Well what I thought was there -- is not. We probably ought to includs some added language to help restorers.
            Last edited by Terry M.; June 20, 2011, 06:49 AM.


            • Kevin G.
              • January 31, 2005
              • 1066

              Re: 1972 - LT 1 bell housing paint overspray

              Two more for you Jerome,

              One before and one after cleaning, a good part of the overspray washed off. However, you can see the distance from the block that received paint, but it will vary.

              Fell free to view the pictures on my signature for assistance.


              • Patrick H.
                Beyond Control Poster
                • November 30, 1989
                • 11561

                Re: 1972 - LT 1 bell housing paint overspray

                Originally posted by Kevin Goodman (43429)
                Two more for you Jerome,

                One before and one after cleaning, a good part of the overspray washed off. However, you can see the distance from the block that received paint, but it will vary.

                Fell free to view the pictures on my signature for assistance.
                Great photos Kevin.
                That tells more than any description.
                Vice-Chairman (West), Michigan Chapter NCRS
                71 "deer modified" coupe
                72 5-Star Bowtie / Duntov coupe. https://www.flickr.com/photos/124695...57649252735124
                2008 coupe
                Available stickers: Engine suffix code, exhaust tips & mufflers, shocks, AIR diverter valve broadcast code.


                • Terry M.
                  Beyond Control Poster
                  • September 30, 1980
                  • 15543

                  Re: 1972 - LT 1 bell housing paint overspray

                  Those pictures are a good illustration of the lack of coverage on the bottom of the oil pan as well.


                  • Reba W.
                    Very Frequent User
                    • June 30, 1985
                    • 929

                    Re: 1972 - LT 1 bell housing paint overspray

                    Pics saved for JG revisionl. Thanks, Kevin.


                    • Patrick H.
                      Beyond Control Poster
                      • November 30, 1989
                      • 11561

                      Re: 1972 - LT 1 bell housing paint overspray

                      Nov of 71 built orange 72. Note the hint of orange all the way on the back of the bellhousing:

                      Vice-Chairman (West), Michigan Chapter NCRS
                      71 "deer modified" coupe
                      72 5-Star Bowtie / Duntov coupe. https://www.flickr.com/photos/124695...57649252735124
                      2008 coupe
                      Available stickers: Engine suffix code, exhaust tips & mufflers, shocks, AIR diverter valve broadcast code.


                      • Mike G.
                        • July 31, 2002
                        • 709

                        Re: 1972 - LT 1 bell housing paint overspray

                        here is a pic of my 70 LT-1 right after we dragged it out of the barn. this is an all original car. good look at the paint line. my 72 LT-1 had been worked on before and it was painted orange all over. even had an orange started.
                        Attached Files


                        • Mike G.
                          • July 31, 2002
                          • 709

                          Re: 1972 - LT 1 bell housing paint overspray

                          does anyone know what the marking on the side of the trans is? is it a 1M for m21 upsidedown or is it a WL that means nothing? just curious.


                          • Terry M.
                            Beyond Control Poster
                            • September 30, 1980
                            • 15543

                            Re: 1972 - LT 1 bell housing paint overspray

                            Originally posted by Mike Greene (38310)
                            does anyone know what the marking on the side of the trans is? is it a 1M for m21 upsidedown or is it a WL that means nothing? just curious.
                            I was just going to compliment you on the WL. It is the broadcast code for the M21 (probably with the speedo gear for the 3:70 rear). How do I know that? Just guessing, but my 1970 has WL stamped on top where it is out of sight. If yours is a 3:70, that would help cement the idea.

                            BTW: Mike now that you dragged this topic into 1970. Early 1970 LT1s do not have that overspray on the bellhousing. The back of the engine was not sprayed, but painted orange by hand. How early is early? All of January production for sure, after that we will have to do some research.


                            • Mike G.
                              • July 31, 2002
                              • 709

                              Re: 1972 - LT 1 bell housing paint overspray

                              the car is a 3:70 so that must be what the WL is.

                              the car is 12551 so that puts it somewhere late june. i guess if production stops sometime in july this is a fairly late car.
                              Now that my trans has beem restored the WL is gone. should i try to put it back?


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