60 correct door and trunk lock face? - NCRS Discussion Boards

60 correct door and trunk lock face?

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  • William B.
    Very Frequent User
    • April 30, 1975
    • 939

    60 correct door and trunk lock face?

    Looking for new lock cylinders for my 60 doors and trunk. Can anyone post a picture of what mine should look like?
    I believe they should look the same as a 59 which has extra circle ridges around the keyhole. which is different from a 62 which has a smooth face? I know it is a poor description that is why I was hoping someone would post a correct picture. Thanks everyone.
  • Peter L.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • May 31, 1983
    • 1930

    Re: 60 correct door and trunk lock face?

    William - You might check out the locks on Corvette Centrals on-line catalog as far as lock face configurations. Having said that for some reason I remember a discussion on the lock face configurations with a friend who restores straight axle Corvettes and the transition between the 59 lock faces with the concentric circles and with the tabs that attach them to the lock case and the 60 lock faces with the smooth front and are crimped 360 degrees around to the locks case was not at the Production year. If that is correct, then the configuration of the lock faces would depend on build date. I wish I could be more specific, but hopefully some of the straight axle gurus can provide more specific info. Pete


    • Joe M.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • April 30, 1990
      • 1337

      Re: 60 correct door and trunk lock face?

      Here are photos of the door lock and trunk lock on my 1960. Photo 809 is the trunk lock (a little too close with macro). 815 is door lock.


      • William B.
        Very Frequent User
        • April 30, 1975
        • 939

        Re: 60 correct door and trunk lock face?

        Thank you, my car build date is june 8 1960. I am not sure if I need the concentric circles or smooth face?


        • Joe M.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • April 30, 1990
          • 1337

          Re: 60 correct door and trunk lock face?

          My car was built December 1959. Have you checked the 1958-1960 Technical Manual? I don't have mine in front of me.


          • William B.
            Very Frequent User
            • April 30, 1975
            • 939

            Re: 60 correct door and trunk lock face?

            I have checked the judging manual, no description?


            • Joe M.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • April 30, 1990
              • 1337

              Re: 60 correct door and trunk lock face?

              Check pages 40-41 of 1958 - 1960 Technical Information Manual & Judging Guide. No photos, but describes stainless ferrule with double circles (door lock) and two-grooved escutcheon (trunk lock). I believe that description matches the photos I attached. Good Luck.


              • William B.
                Very Frequent User
                • April 30, 1975
                • 939

                Re: 60 correct door and trunk lock face?

                Thank you Joe, that is correct and that is what I going with. I had read somewhere that it changed in late 60, but a june 8 car is not always a late car.


                • Peter L.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • May 31, 1983
                  • 1930

                  Re: 60 correct door and trunk lock face?

                  William - I was able to talk to the person I know on the configuration of the door/trunk lock faces on the 1960 Corvettes and he indicated that the change from the concentric circle faced lock caps to the flat faced lock caps was around the beginning of the 1960 calendar year. Pete


                  • Thomas H.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • August 31, 2005
                    • 1049

                    Re: 60 correct door and trunk lock face?

                    Both the door and trunk lock from my May 1960 build car.


                    1958, 283/245, White/red - Top Flight, October 2016
                    1960, Black/black, 283/230 4sp
                    1966, Black/Red, 327/350 4sp w/AC
                    1967, 427/390, 4sp, Goodwood Green, Coupe
                    1971 LS5, 4sp, coupe, Bridgehampton Blue
                    2007 Z06, Lemans Blue

                    Newsletter Editor, Delaware Valley Chapter


                    • William B.
                      Very Frequent User
                      • April 30, 1975
                      • 939

                      Re: 60 correct door and trunk lock face?

                      This is interesting,, Which lock should I use on a june 8th 1960 car?
                      I had been also told that my locks should be a flat face, but with your may 60 using concentric circles now I am not sure, anyone else have some guidence for me?


                      • Joe M.
                        Extremely Frequent Poster
                        • April 30, 1990
                        • 1337

                        Re: 60 correct door and trunk lock face?

                        The two locks in the most recent photos look like door locks. I still believe that the trunk lock should have flat face. Tech Manual and Judging Guide backs that up.


                        • Thomas H.
                          Extremely Frequent Poster
                          • August 31, 2005
                          • 1049

                          Re: 60 correct door and trunk lock face?

                          FWIW, I was at a local Corvette show today and they had a nice display of C1's. I checked the deck lid locks and on the two 1960's that were there, one a Duntov, they both had the concentric circle locks.

                          1958, 283/245, White/red - Top Flight, October 2016
                          1960, Black/black, 283/230 4sp
                          1966, Black/Red, 327/350 4sp w/AC
                          1967, 427/390, 4sp, Goodwood Green, Coupe
                          1971 LS5, 4sp, coupe, Bridgehampton Blue
                          2007 Z06, Lemans Blue

                          Newsletter Editor, Delaware Valley Chapter


                          • Joe M.
                            Extremely Frequent Poster
                            • April 30, 1990
                            • 1337

                            Re: 60 correct door and trunk lock face?

                            I consider that an important observation, but I am not sure where it leaves us. Was the Duntov an early 1960 build (1959 to early 1960) or late 1960 build? I don't know for 100% certainty that the trunk lock on my December 1959 build is original, but it matches the description in the NCRS manual, but that manual is not infallible.


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