If money and space were not of consideration, what Corvette would you buy today? And furthermore, why?
Did you lust after it when you were young?
Was it that fateful ride with a friend?
Is it the one that got away?
While we all could go on to say a 67 L88 or one of the 5 original Grand Sports, I have to assume there would be other Corvettes that are rather insignifigant by comparison. All the while, noteworthy.
I will start off by saying, my Fathers car. My Dad purchased a 67 400hp coupe from the original owner in 1974. Goodwood Green, OM, unhit, well documented. My Dad still has the car today. I grew up with this car and after all is said, this is the car that made me lust after Corvettes. BTW, happy Fathers Day to all!
Did you lust after it when you were young?
Was it that fateful ride with a friend?
Is it the one that got away?
While we all could go on to say a 67 L88 or one of the 5 original Grand Sports, I have to assume there would be other Corvettes that are rather insignifigant by comparison. All the while, noteworthy.
I will start off by saying, my Fathers car. My Dad purchased a 67 400hp coupe from the original owner in 1974. Goodwood Green, OM, unhit, well documented. My Dad still has the car today. I grew up with this car and after all is said, this is the car that made me lust after Corvettes. BTW, happy Fathers Day to all!