Door Ajar Switch Spacer - NCRS Discussion Boards

Door Ajar Switch Spacer

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  • Terry B.
    Very Frequent User
    • August 31, 1999
    • 607

    Door Ajar Switch Spacer

    I'm changing my door ajar switches to the SX style and have a little problem with the adjustment of one of the switches in the door jamb. If I screw the nut on the switch all the way in, the door ajar light will not go out when the door is shut. If I loosen the switch to about half way out it works fine but it is not secure. Is there a spacer or special washer that the factory used to make this fine tune adjustment?


    Terry Buchanan

    Webmaster / Secretary - Heart of Ohio Chapter

    Corvettes Owned:
    1977 Coupe
    1968 Convertible 427/390 (L-36) Chapter Top Flight 2007, Regional Top Flight 2010, National Top Flight 2011
    2003 Electron Blue Coupe
    2019 Torch Red Grand Sport Coupe
  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • January 31, 1988
    • 43160

    Re: Door Ajar Switch Spacer

    Originally posted by Terry Buchanan (32872)
    I'm changing my door ajar switches to the SX style and have a little problem with the adjustment of one of the switches in the door jamb. If I screw the nut on the switch all the way in, the door ajar light will not go out when the door is shut. If I loosen the switch to about half way out it works fine but it is not secure. Is there a spacer or special washer that the factory used to make this fine tune adjustment?




    Not that I know of. The threaded portion of the switch assembly is, as I recall, NPT thread. My guess is that the threads on any reproduction switches you are using are not "up-to-snuff". If you're using NOS, then I don't know what the problem is becuase I've installed these with no problem, at all.

    Here's what I'd do: carefully wrap the threads with teflon tape and re-install. If it's still too loose at the proper adjustment, remove and add more tape.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Jeffrey S.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • May 31, 1988
      • 1862

      Re: Door Ajar Switch Spacer

      These switches are supposed to be self adjusting. The main shaft moves in to get the correct overall length by simply closing the door after installation. Pull the fixed shaft out as far as it will go. It should offer a bit of resistance. Install the switch screwing all the way in. Close the door and the shaft you pulled out will be pushed in to the correct length. Hope this works for you.


      • Don L.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • August 31, 2005
        • 1004

        Re: Door Ajar Switch Spacer

        FWIW, When I installed my SX switches, I used blue (removable) Loctite . It's invisible in the assembly and it helps keep the switch at the required length, thereby providing the right engagement for operation. Works like a charm!
        Don Lowe
        NCRS #44382
        Carolinas Chapter


        • Paul L.
          • October 31, 2002
          • 1414

          Re: Door Ajar Switch Spacer

          What is the SX-style? I need a couple of switches for a 1974.


          • Terry B.
            Very Frequent User
            • August 31, 1999
            • 607

            Re: Door Ajar Switch Spacer

            Hi Paul,

            What I mean by the SX style is on the plunger head of the switch, SX is stamped there. It is original equipment on '68's and '69's and I believe through a number of years beyond that. Check your '74 judging manual to be sure if you use the SX.

            Thanks everyone for your quick responses and email. I will be testing them all today to see what works best in my application.
            Terry Buchanan

            Webmaster / Secretary - Heart of Ohio Chapter

            Corvettes Owned:
            1977 Coupe
            1968 Convertible 427/390 (L-36) Chapter Top Flight 2007, Regional Top Flight 2010, National Top Flight 2011
            2003 Electron Blue Coupe
            2019 Torch Red Grand Sport Coupe


            • Kenneth T.
              Very Frequent User
              • March 23, 2008
              • 631

              Re: Door Ajar Switch Spacer


              Jeff has the answer. Try standing the switch on end with the SX facing up and take a socket and tap the barrel nut down on the shaft to the crimp point. That will expose the entire length of the shaft and when you close the door it will adjust correctly.



              • Jeffrey S.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • May 31, 1988
                • 1862

                Re: Door Ajar Switch Spacer

                I would be very careful putting any pressure at all on the plastic bottom end parts. You are dealing with 40 plus year old ABS pastic which will crack and break if you stare at it long enough! Just hold the nut and pull the shaft out by hand (NOT the plunger!!!!).


                • Pat M.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • March 31, 2006
                  • 1564

                  Re: Door Ajar Switch Spacer

                  Originally posted by Joe Lucia (12484)
                  Here's what I'd do: carefully wrap the threads with teflon tape and re-install. If it's still too loose at the proper adjustment, remove and add more tape.
                  This is what I did to a couple of mine, and it worked perfectly and is undetectable with the switch installed.


                  • John H.
                    Beyond Control Poster
                    • November 30, 1997
                    • 16513

                    Re: Door Ajar Switch Spacer

                    The switches are self-adjusting. The tubular portion is a slight press fit in the nut; screw the nut into the hole, then close the door. When the end of the plunger (the head with the "SX" on it) contacts the end of the tubular portion, it will push the tubular portion through the nut until the door closes, establishing the adjustment.

                    The originals came to the plant with enough of the tubular portion exposed that the door would always move it when closed; later reproductions may need the tubular portion "pulled out" a bit to ensure that the head contacts them when closing the door.


                    • Dave S.
                      Extremely Frequent Poster
                      • August 31, 1992
                      • 2915

                      Re: Door Ajar Switch Spacer

                      When the cars were built in St. Louis there was a plastic or rubber spacer added to the door lip to give the SX switch a place to make contact if the car had the problem you are describing. These spacers are usually about 1/4" thick and about 3/4" X 3/4" square as I recall. I'm not sure if they are grey or black or either. When judging interiors we see them quite often on original cars.


                      • Terry B.
                        Very Frequent User
                        • August 31, 1999
                        • 607

                        Re: Door Ajar Switch Spacer

                        Hi Dave,

                        The spacer is advertised for 70 and up with Corvette Central. I do not see anything about it in the 68 TJM. It is a great idea but may not be what I can do for my year. I'm having it judged at the National Convention in July and don't want to have points deducted.

                        Terry Buchanan

                        Webmaster / Secretary - Heart of Ohio Chapter

                        Corvettes Owned:
                        1977 Coupe
                        1968 Convertible 427/390 (L-36) Chapter Top Flight 2007, Regional Top Flight 2010, National Top Flight 2011
                        2003 Electron Blue Coupe
                        2019 Torch Red Grand Sport Coupe


                        • Terry M.
                          Beyond Control Poster
                          • September 30, 1980
                          • 15543

                          Re: Door Ajar Switch Spacer

                          I have never seen the spacer Dave talks about on Corvettes earlier than 1971, but then I haven't seen EVERY Corvette built.


                          • John C.
                            • December 31, 2004
                            • 616

                            Re: Door Ajar Switch Spacer


                            My 68 has a very dense foam attached to the door lip where the door ajar switch contacts it. They looked to be factory original but I never knew what they were for. From this thread it looks as if they could be spacers.

                            I can get you pictures but I won't be home for 2 weeks.


                            • Terry M.
                              Beyond Control Poster
                              • September 30, 1980
                              • 15543

                              Re: Door Ajar Switch Spacer

                              John, I would appreciate those pictures if you think of it on your return.

                              gismack at sbcglobal dot net.

                              June is a very full month for Corvette activities, so I won't notice a couple of weeks passing by.



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