1958 Corvette Blackwall Tires??

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  • Marc W.
    Infrequent User
    • October 1, 1982
    • 5

    1958 Corvette Blackwall Tires??

    I asked this question a couple days ago, but only received one response. So I will try again. Was it possible to get blackwall tires on a 1958 without getting the wide wheel or big brake option? This question came up during regional judging in Joplin. I will await responses.
  • Stan G.
    • January 1, 1996
    • 106

    Re: 1958 Corvette Blackwall Tires??

    In Noland Adams 53-62 restoration guide book on page 206 shows a 58 publicity photo with a white 58 with standard blackwall tires and full wheelcovers . Also in the back of the 58-60 section listing options and the percentage of cars with different options it lists rpo 290 whitewall tires as
    being used on 81.3 % of the 58's and only 4.4 % getting rpo 276 wide wheels , so that would mean that 14.3 % got blackwall tires with standard wheels if my math is correct . Hope that helps you .



    • Mike E.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • March 1, 1975
      • 5106

      Re: 1958 Corvette Blackwall Tires??

      I think you got only one response because we all agreed with that response!


      • Marc W.
        Infrequent User
        • October 1, 1982
        • 5

        Re: 1958 Corvette Blackwall Tires??

        Then how do I convince the judges at NCRS events that my 6.70/15 US Royal Safety S non DOT tires are original to my car and should not get a deduction for originality?


        • Kenneth B.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • September 1, 1984
          • 2078

          Re: 1958 Corvette Blackwall Tires??

          Originally posted by Marc Weinbrenner (5961)
          Then how do I convince the judges at NCRS events that my 6.70/15 US Royal Safety S non DOT tires are original to my car and should not get a deduction for originality?
          I would say print out this post & then have someone hold your watch & beat the crap out of the judge like RC did to Bush in NASCAR. Don't screw with a 60 year old man.LOL
          65 350 TI CONV 67 J56 435 CONV,67,390/AIR CONV,70 454/air CONV,


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