70 Rally Wheel vs. 73 Rally Wheel

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  • Mike T.
    Very Frequent User
    • September 1, 1979
    • 118

    70 Rally Wheel vs. 73 Rally Wheel

    I am putting a set of 73 rims on my 70.
    I'm thinking they are the same, but my main concern is the 70 is stamped "15 X 8 JJ" and the 73 is just stamped "15 X 8" without the "JJ."
    Searching the archives, someone mentioned the "JJ" refers to the "contour" of the wheel.
    Is the 73 AZ wheel stamped 15 X 8 different than the 70 AZ wheel that is stamped 15 X 8 JJ?
  • John H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • December 1, 1997
    • 16513

    Re: 70 Rally Wheel vs. 73 Rally Wheel

    Originally posted by Mike Tower (2682)
    Is the 73 AZ wheel stamped 15 X 8 different than the 70 AZ wheel that is stamped 15 X 8 JJ?
    Mike -

    As far as I know, any of the '69-'82 wheels stamped "AZ" adjacent to the valve stem are physically and dimensionally identical.


    • Terry M.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • October 1, 1980
      • 15541

      Re: 70 Rally Wheel vs. 73 Rally Wheel

      Mike you don't tell us what you intend to do with those 1973 wheels -- that is use them for judging??

      If so you should know there will be a difference in paint hue even though they all will be painted Argent Silver.


      • Joe L.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • February 1, 1988
        • 43129

        Re: 70 Rally Wheel vs. 73 Rally Wheel

        Originally posted by Mike Tower (2682)
        I am putting a set of 73 rims on my 70.
        I'm thinking they are the same, but my main concern is the 70 is stamped "15 X 8 JJ" and the 73 is just stamped "15 X 8" without the "JJ."
        Searching the archives, someone mentioned the "JJ" refers to the "contour" of the wheel.
        Is the 73 AZ wheel stamped 15 X 8 different than the 70 AZ wheel that is stamped 15 X 8 JJ?


        There is a VERY SLIGHT difference in the 1970 versus 1973 wheel. Believe me, nobody is going to notice it and I'm not going to say what it is lest I start a new "thing". Also, just to be clear, the wheels are 100% functionally interchangeable. The difference has absolutely nothing to do with functionality.
        In Appreciation of John Hinckley


        • Mike T.
          Very Frequent User
          • September 1, 1979
          • 118

          Re: 70 Rally Wheel vs. 73 Rally Wheel

          John, Terry and Joe. Thanks for the help.
          I'm not going to have it judged, but I want to bring it back to original as much as practical.
          Not concerned about the paint hue at this point.
          If there is so small a difference that nobody will notice except Joe, then I'm gonna run the 73's, hope Joe keeps the secret and call it a day.
          Thanks again guys.


          • Harmon C.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • September 1, 1994
            • 3228

            Re: 70 Rally Wheel vs. 73 Rally Wheel

            At one time rally wheels had a weld bead or B-B by 73 it was gone.


            • Keith L.
              • April 8, 2008
              • 378

              Re: 70 Rally Wheel vs. 73 Rally Wheel

              Or maybe it's like the difference between the Z28 YH and the later FW 15X7s.


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