Is this restoration perfect for the NCRS judges? - NCRS Discussion Boards

Is this restoration perfect for the NCRS judges?

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  • Michael J.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • January 26, 2009
    • 7045

    Re: Is this restoration perfect for the NCRS judges?

    Originally posted by Dick Whittington (8804)
    Seems like every time a car changes hands, a few good pieces never make it to the new owner
    Ain't it the truth, I have been on both ends of that before
    Big Tanks In the High Mountains of New Mexico


    • Steve B.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • February 28, 2002
      • 1188

      Re: Is this restoration perfect for the NCRS judges?

      Originally posted by Dick Whittington (8804)
      There have been quite a few cars, that were restored in that era, that obtained Top Flight or better then, and will barely make Top Flight today. One that come to mind, was advertised for sale a few years ago as a 99.9% scoring car in about 1990, and came back to the judging field just a few years ago and did not get close to making a Top Flight. Plus, who knows how many of the original parts are still on that car today. Seems like every time a car changes hands, a few good pieces never make it to the new owner
      It's really amazing how many of those rare and original parts fall off the truck during transport


      • Philip A.
        • February 25, 2008
        • 329

        Re: Is this restoration perfect for the NCRS judges?

        Originally posted by Patrick Tighe (33001)
        I wonder what this car would score?

        My guess would be not too well. Although it appears to be a brand new '67 in 1967, I am sure the judges would find too many not typical things! LOL! Particularly the subjective stuff like gloss, texture, shade...


        • Michael H.
          • January 28, 2008
          • 7477

          Re: Is this restoration perfect for the NCRS judges?

          Originally posted by Philip Arena (48654)
          My guess would be not too well. Although it appears to be a brand new '67 in 1967, I am sure the judges would find too many not typical things! LOL! Particularly the subjective stuff like gloss, texture, shade...
          I think it would do well if it were shown "as produced" or "typical factory production". Other than a few items, it should do well in NCRS but I think the judging at the Bloomington Gold event is closer to what this restoration is because of the lack of "new car prep".

          Other than wheel trim and the antenna mast, what would be different than a new car that was serviced for delivery?


          • William C.
            NCRS Past President
            • May 31, 1975
            • 6037

            Re: Is this restoration perfect for the NCRS judges?

            Rules for buying, see it, buy it, take immediate possession, transport in your transporter, Trailer, whatever.
            Bill Clupper #618


            • Norris W.
              Very Frequent User
              • November 30, 1982
              • 683

              Re: Is this restoration perfect for the NCRS judges?

              Interestingly the car doesn't seem to have the creeping orange fungus all the way to the bases of the carbs like is so frequently seen on "correctly restored" cars nowdays.


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