1975 corvette seat belt warning hookup

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  • Raymond K.
    • April 20, 2011
    • 16

    Re: 1975 corvette seat belt warning hookup

    Hello Brian, The colors you indicated on the driver side match what I have however the two connectors on these wires do not match each other to form a connection. The black and gray wire has a triangle bracket which is rivited to the side of the center hand brake councel under the carpet. I have not looked at the passenger side yet. My car was also built in January 1975. Can you describe what your connectors look like.


    • Raymond K.
      • April 20, 2011
      • 16

      Re: 1975 corvette seat belt warning hookup

      Brian, both the driver side connectors are black on my car.


      • Brian G.
        Very Frequent User
        • February 1, 2001
        • 159

        Re: 1975 corvette seat belt warning hookup

        I'll try to get a picture later tomorrow.


        • Raymond K.
          • April 20, 2011
          • 16

          Re: 1975 corvette seat belt warning hookup

          Thanks Brian that would sure help.


          • Brian G.
            Very Frequent User
            • February 1, 2001
            • 159

            Re: 1975 corvette seat belt warning hookup

            Here are the driver's side connectors.............
            Attached Files


            • Raymond K.
              • April 20, 2011
              • 16

              Re: 1975 corvette seat belt warning hookup

              Brian, thanks for the pictures. In comparing what I have your white connector looks like mine except my is black in color with black and yellow wire with a tee shaped end on it which appears to be like yours, and it comes from under the center councel. Does you white connector come from the councel or the seat belt. The other connector is the problem it is almost square shaped with a type of square extension on one side and the two connectors in side the housing are not side by side, one is straight up and down the other runs sideways as you look into that connector which comes from the seat belt. My seat belt wires are both black not black and gray. I hate to tare the councel out so if your white connector comes from your concel then I would assume that, that part is correct on mine.


              • Brian G.
                Very Frequent User
                • February 1, 2001
                • 159

                Re: 1975 corvette seat belt warning hookup

                The white connector with black-yellow wires does come from the center console.


                • Raymond K.
                  • April 20, 2011
                  • 16

                  Re: 1975 corvette seat belt warning hookup

                  Thanks Brian, I am going to go ahead and pull the passenger seat and see what I find there if anything. Thanks again for your help.


                  • Larry M.
                    • December 1, 1986
                    • 541

                    Re: 1975 corvette seat belt warning hookup


                    Here are pictures of the seat pressure switch, and connector, for a 1972 passenger seat.

                    Sorry, but I don't know if the same piece carries over to your 1975.

                    Attached Files


                    • Raymond K.
                      • April 20, 2011
                      • 16

                      Re: 1975 corvette seat belt warning hookup

                      Thanks Larry, it is my understanding that the early 75 models had this type of pressure ****ch, however that system was dropped sometime during that model year and I think my 75 was one with the changed system. I am going to pull the passenger seat and see if there is anthing there. The driver side connections do not match each other nor the connector you provided. Thanks Ray


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