Engine and underside cleaning.

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  • Karl K.
    • November 17, 2008
    • 92

    Engine and underside cleaning.

    I'm getting my 65 coupe 327 ready for a show and I'm
    looking for some tips on cleaning the engne bay and underside.
    It's pretty clean to start with and could probably get away
    with it the way it is but I want to take it to the level? Also I'm concerned
    about messing up the black out areas.
  • James S.
    • June 23, 2008
    • 226

    Re: Engine and underside cleaning.

    Originally posted by Karl Kritzer (49709)
    I'm getting my 65 coupe 327 ready for a show and I'm
    looking for some tips on cleaning the engne bay and underside.
    It's pretty clean to start with and could probably get away
    with it the way it is but I want to take it to the level? Also I'm concerned
    about messing up the black out areas.

    IMO, it all depends on the current condition. If the car is restored to a high level, I would clean everything by good old elbow grease. Using chemicals like Gunk etc., may leave a film and will cause corrosion. I use windex and simple green, and then use a clean moist rag to wipe up any film as these products will cause corrosion to any bare metal as well, but are not as abrasive as Gunk. Be very careful with hoses that have original factory markings as any soap will fade the characters. I then spray CRC 656 (a marine grade lubrication) or apply with a rag, let it sit overnight and then rub off any residue. CRC 656 is an excellent rust inhibitor and when appiled, the rubber hoses absorb the silicone from the product; wipe off any left over residue, the outcome is quite remarkable. I used this product for over 20 years on my older original Muscle cars that were very low mileage with original hoses, etc., and CRC kept all rubber from cracking or degrading further.

    Lots of others will chime in with their techniques.

    Last edited by James S.; May 30, 2011, 07:06 AM. Reason: ed


    • William D.
      Very Frequent User
      • April 1, 1993
      • 101

      Re: Engine and underside cleaning.

      If it's not that dirty, I'd just wipe it down. If you want to, "simple green" in 50% dilution will not harm any paint, but will get rid of any grease or oil build up.

      1965 Conv 327/365HP 4 sp, 3.73, KO's, pb 96.6 pts
      1965 Coupe fuelie, F40, 411's, teak/tele, 32K, 98 pts


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