Vacuum leak W. Washers? 58

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  • Brad H.
    • August 13, 2007
    • 724

    Vacuum leak W. Washers? 58

    When I started my 58 up today the wipers came on by themselves, I noticed the Co-ordinator (is that right) and plastic acuator opened to the full speed by themselves, could take hose off co-ordinator and it would be fine until I plugged hose back on fitting,would do it repeatedly, this is a new system from Maxwell's within the month, hoses all seem fine ( also new), the only thing I have done is take the power wire off the W. wiper motor for about a week and put it back on, what and where to check vac leak if this is it, everything worked fine for 2 months? Thanks, Brad.
  • John H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • December 1, 1997
    • 16513

    Re: Vacuum leak W. Washers? 58

    Originally posted by Brad Hake (47659)
    When I started my 58 up today the wipers came on by themselves, I noticed the Co-ordinator (is that right) and plastic acuator opened to the full speed by themselves, could take hose off co-ordinator and it would be fine until I plugged hose back on fitting,would do it repeatedly, this is a new system from Maxwell's within the month, hoses all seem fine ( also new), the only thing I have done is take the power wire off the W. wiper motor for about a week and put it back on, what and where to check vac leak if this is it, everything worked fine for 2 months? Thanks, Brad.
    Brad -

    Have you talked to the Maxwells for trouble-shooting assistance?


    • Brad H.
      • August 13, 2007
      • 724

      Re: Vacuum leak W. Washers? 58

      Just found the Problem late Friday, Monday would be best for them, anybody else before trhe weekend is up? Thanks, Brad.


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