1969 brake caliper white paint daub

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  • J W.
    Frequent User
    • January 1, 2004
    • 62

    1969 brake caliper white paint daub

    I am restoring my 1969 chassis. Does anyone know if the brake calipers should have a white paint daub? The Quanta technical bulletin states that 1970 Corvettes should have a white paint daub on the brake calipers but it doesn't say anything about 1969 cars. I contacted Quanta and they do not know if a 1969 car should have the white paint daubs.
  • Joseph K.
    • August 27, 2008
    • 407

    Re: 1969 brake caliper white paint daub

    I am currently working marks also. I purchased a package from one of the vendors for paint marks and spray on numbers. In the package for 68 through 7?, they show on one of the sheets that they sent me for the location of all these marks the location of white marks on the calipers for a 69. Also check the purple book to see if they make mention of it.



    • J W.
      Frequent User
      • January 1, 2004
      • 62

      Re: 1969 brake caliper white paint daub

      Thanks Joseph
      Does your information indicate whether the front, rear, or front and rear brake calipers should have a white paint daub on a 69 car?


      • Joseph K.
        • August 27, 2008
        • 407

        Re: 1969 brake caliper white paint daub

        Originally posted by J Michael Wiater (41268)
        Thanks Joseph
        Does your information indicate whether the front, rear, or front and rear brake calipers should have a white paint daub on a 69 car?

        Sorry to say that it it does not show if it is in the back also. I Only did the front calpers. It shows two dabs each. One on each side of the pin that locks the haves together on the top.



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