Golden Quill Award (Restorer) - NCRS Discussion Boards

Golden Quill Award (Restorer)

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  • David G.
    Very Frequent User
    • May 31, 1980
    • 274

    Golden Quill Award (Restorer)

    Congratulations to Vinnie Peters on his Golden Quill award for 2010. This is a very deserved award for all of the hard work that he (and his contributors) have done to make the Corvette Restorer a word class magazine.

    Thank You Vinnie and keep up the good work.

    Dave Gray # 3627
  • Terry M.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • September 30, 1980
    • 15543

    Re: Golden Quill Award (Restorer)

    Congratulation Vinnie and all your helpers. The Golden Quill Award for The Corvette Restorer is well deserved.

    A club publication is the glue that holds a club together. For many it is their sole contact with their club. A strong publication is essential for the continued well being of the organization.
    Last edited by Terry M.; May 12, 2011, 12:34 PM. Reason: spelling


    • Dick W.
      Former NCRS Director Region IV
      • June 30, 1985
      • 10483

      Re: Golden Quill Award (Restorer)

      Very exclusive group Vinnie is in...

      2010 Golden Quill Awards
      National Luxury
      Air Cooled News, Pierre F. and Susan R. Lavedan, co-editors, H.H. Franklin Club, Inc.
      Austin-Healey Magazine, Jeff Eakin, editor, Austin-Healey Club USA
      Avanti Magazine, Lewis Schucart, editor, Avanti Owners Association
      BMW Classic Live, Max Bauer, editor, BMW Group Classic & BMW Museum
      Brute Force, Merle Wolfer, editor, Chrysler 300 Club
      The Buick Bugle, Pete Phillips, editor, The Buick Club of America
      The Bulb Horn, Anne Morris, editor, The Veteran Motor Car Club of America
      The Classic Car, Ron Verschoor, editor, Classic Car Club of America
      The Corvette Restorer, Vinnie Peters, editor, National Corvette Restorers Society
      Dick Whittington


      • Bob D.
        NCRS Shipping Data Report Manager
        • April 30, 1996
        • 782

        Re: Golden Quill Award (Restorer)

        Congrats Vinnie--good job, well deserved.


        • Alan S.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • July 31, 1989
          • 3413

          Re: Golden Quill Award (Restorer)

          Hi Vinnie,
          Congratulations to you, and thank you to all the contributors.
          I look forward to, and enjoy every issue!
          71 Coupe, 350/270, 4 speed
          Mason Dixon Chapter
          Chapter Top Flight October 2011


          • Vinnie P.
            Editor NCRS Restorer Magazine
            • May 31, 1990
            • 1542

            Re: Golden Quill Award (Restorer)

            Once again, I'm humbled and honored to be in this elite group...along with Terry McManmon and John Amgwert...Terry certainly put it best...the magazine belongs to the membership...I do the layout and make it look interesting...Reba Whittington does the proofing and correcting...and the membership does the rest by submitting the fantastic articles I get to choose from...Please keep them coming and I will publish them!!!

            I'll make mistakes along the way but will make every effort to correct them...

            We can't forget Eric Mortimer either...he's been recognized for the NCRS Driveline Magazine also...

            National Intermediate

            American Motoring, Cheryl Samuel and Mike Spangler, editors, The American Motors Owners Association
            The Arrow, Roger J. Sherman, editor, Pierce-Arrow Society

            Bulletin, Ron Verschoor, editor, Classic Car Club of America

            Enjine! Enjine!, Scott Rollins, editor, SPAAMFAA
            Journey With Olds, Brad Bishop, editor, Oldsmobile Club of America

            The Legend, Tom Szymczyk, editor, GTO Association of America
            The NCRS Driveline, Eric Mortimer, ads, National Corvette Restorers Society, Supplement to the Corvette Restorer Magazine
            The Nomad Post, John Lee, publications coordinator, Chevrolet Nomad Association

            SEMA Action Network, Specialty Equipment Market Association
            On Solid Ground, Ken Amrick, editor, Solid Axle Corvette Club
            The Riview, Ray Knott, editor, Riviera Owners Association
            The Skyliner, Edward J. Albracht, Jr., editor, International Ford Retractable Club
            Stutz News, William J. Greer, editor, The Stutz Club, Inc.
            300 Star Letter, Cyndi Vander Horn, editor, Gull Wing Group International

            The Vintage Triumph, Mike Cook, editor, The Vintage Triumph Register
            Vintage Voice, Fred Lewis, editor, Oakland Pontiac Worldwide AACA Region
            The Way of the Zephyr, David L. Cole, editor, Lincoln-Zephyr Owners Club

            WPC NEWS, Richard Bowman, editor, Chrysler Product Restorers Club


            • Terry M.
              Beyond Control Poster
              • September 30, 1980
              • 15543

              Re: Golden Quill Award (Driveline)

              Cudos to Eric. Another job well done six times a year.

              It is always The Driveline] that gets the posts that "I didn't get mine yet" on here.


              • Mike M.
                NCRS Past President
                • May 31, 1974
                • 8344

                Re: Golden Quill Award (Restorer)

                i just reviewed the current
                Restorer then went back and reviewed vol1, #1. they are like comparing a 53 vette to a new ZR1. not only is vinnie a hell of an editor, he ain't a bad cook either. congrats buddy.mike


                • Jack M.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • February 28, 1991
                  • 1098

                  Re: Golden Quill Award (Restorer)

                  Congratz to all...well deserved!


                  • Steven B.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • June 30, 1982
                    • 3949

                    Re: Golden Quill Award (Restorer)

                    Thanks for making the publication something I always look forward to and read cover to cover. Simply put "You do good!"




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