Q-Jet questions - NCRS Discussion Boards

Q-Jet questions

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  • Mike M.
    • April 30, 2003
    • 104

    Q-Jet questions

    I have two #7042202 Q-jets, both manf. by Carter. One is dated July '71 and the other August '71. The choke mechanisms on each are different. The July carb uses the plastic choke pull off and related assembly. The carb also has the required slotted bellcrank on the secondary air valves. From what I have researched this set up was used on '71 and earlier vehicles. The August has the metal pull off and related parts and the non-slotted seconday bellcrank, which, I think is correct for '72. So what is the first, a rebuilders mongrel? And am I correct the metal pull off assembly is correct?
    Last question, how do you get oxide out of a carb interior? Phosphoric Acid?
  • Gene M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 31, 1985
    • 4232

    Re: Q-Jet questions

    Do you want the oxide removed for function or to have original looking finish? If for function only a green scotch pad and wd40 cleans it up. If for original finish bead blast with very very fine grit and replate and chromate dye it.

    In both cases complete disassembly and cleaning is needed. The aluminum and steel pieces separated. Steel is zinc plated and chromate treated. Jerry has a good article on the refinishing of the whole carb. His is a Holley but procedure is same for Rochester.


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