64 vent window regulator rebuild - NCRS Discussion Boards

64 vent window regulator rebuild

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  • Michael Y.
    • July 23, 2010
    • 28

    64 vent window regulator rebuild

    I am in process of rebuilding my roadster vent window regulators. The question I have is which rebuild kit to buy. The choice is the kit from paragon, which has original material gears, or the kit with the aircraft aluminum gears, which are supposed to last longer. Does anybody have any experience with these kits, or any input? Thanks
  • Jim D.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • June 30, 1985
    • 2882

    Re: 64 vent window regulator rebuild


    • Gene M.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • March 31, 1985
      • 4232

      Re: 64 vent window regulator rebuild

      It does not matter which gears you use. If you want no slop in the operation (as in better than ever made to meet the NCRS judging PV and operations requirements) you need to tighten up on the gear center to center spacing. Closer spacing cuts down on back lash that reduces slop in the handle operation. Problem is with a lot of use the slop returns.

      Much of this has been discussed previous.


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