color- orig replated vs new 66 booster - NCRS Discussion Boards

color- orig replated vs new 66 booster

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  • Russ S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 30, 1982
    • 2158

    color- orig replated vs new 66 booster

    I need your opinion on the coloring of my new booster on the LH versus the original re-plated on the RH.Thanks
    How will it judge?
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Russ S.; May 9, 2011, 08:08 PM.
  • Russ S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 30, 1982
    • 2158

    Re: color- orig replated vs new 66 booster

    There has to be mid year judges out there that can advise me as to these two different colors.


    • Gerard F.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • June 30, 2004
      • 3803

      Re: color- orig replated vs new 66 booster

      Originally posted by Russ Steinhaus (5540)
      There has to be mid year judges out there that can advise me as to these two different colors.

      I'm used to doing plating and dichromate on carburetors and other parts, and am not too familar with original brake boosters on a 65.

      However the replated darker one looks to me to be overdone with dichromate, and too much heat treatment to bring out the reds. It looks too reddish to me.

      The lighter one, I think is more consistent with a very light gold finish with some rainbow color. It is a little light and spotty like the dichromate didn't really take.

      I'm really not an experienced chassis judge and haven't really seen too many original boosters. But I would think that the lighter one would be more consistent with factory production, although they both might pass for the dichromate.

      I might be all wet and maybe a more experienced judge will chime in.
      Last edited by Gerard F.; May 9, 2011, 11:19 PM.
      Jerry Fuccillo
      1967 327/300 Convertible since 1968


      • Michael H.
        • January 28, 2008
        • 7477

        Re: color- orig replated vs new 66 booster

        Originally posted by Russ Steinhaus (5540)
        I need your opinion on the coloring of my new booster on the LH versus the original re-plated on the RH.Thanks
        How will it judge?
        For 64-66, my vote is definitely for the one on the left. For 67, the one on the right is close but a bit too gold, or too dark.

        The color for 64-66 was not the same for 67.


        • Russ S.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • April 30, 1982
          • 2158

          Re: color- orig replated vs new 66 booster

          Gerald and Micheal, That is what I thought. I agree with you both. Anybody think differently??


          • Jim S.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • February 28, 1986
            • 1391

            Re: color- orig replated vs new 66 booster

            Originally posted by Michael Hanson (4067)
            For 64-66, my vote is definitely for the one on the left. For 67, the one on the right is close but a bit too gold, or too dark.

            The color for 64-66 was not the same for 67.

            Is ther any way to "tone down" the brighter one ?



            • Russ S.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • April 30, 1982
              • 2158

              Re: color- orig replated vs new 66 booster

              I am not aware of a way to tone it down but sure would be interested in it if there is a way.


              • Joe R.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • July 31, 1976
                • 4547

                Re: color- orig replated vs new 66 booster

                The pics are very left and right!!!!

                In other words, I don't like either but it could be because of the pics, temp of flash or lightening.

                The repo is too washed out and the plated original has spent more time than necessary in the yellow chromate.

                But we must remember that ALL parts from GM were not the same when it came to plating. Different runs in anybody's facility come out differently during the day, week and month.

                Same with painted parts!!!!!!



                • Dan H.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • July 31, 1977
                  • 1361

                  Re: color- orig replated vs new 66 booster

                  Originally posted by Jim Schwering (9598)

                  Is ther any way to "tone down" the brighter one ?

                  Jim, I had my booster for 64 redone, came back all gold etc. I carefully rubbed the gold down to the under lying silver/rainbow finish. Try a spot on the bottom first. Good wax with cleaner should do.WD 40 after you get to the color you like for sealant. See my avatar picture, the cap on MC was the color of the booster when I started. Good luck! I can email a better picture if you like.
                  1964 Red FI Coupe, DUNTOV '09
                  Drove the 64 over 5000 miles to three Regionals and the San Jose National, one dust storm and 40 lbs of bugs!


                  • Michael H.
                    • January 28, 2008
                    • 7477

                    Re: color- orig replated vs new 66 booster

                    Originally posted by Dan Holstein (1440)
                    Jim, I had my booster for 64 redone, came back all gold etc. I carefully rubbed the gold down to the under lying silver/rainbow finish. Try a spot on the bottom first. Good wax with cleaner should do.WD 40 after you get to the color you like for sealant. See my avatar picture, the cap on MC was the color of the booster when I started. Good luck! I can email a better picture if you like.
                    I agree, Dan. I don't think any 64-66 boosters were originally gold, or anywhere close to gold. The "silver with a subtle rainbow of colors" that you describe is exactly what I remember.


                    • Gene M.
                      Extremely Frequent Poster
                      • March 31, 1985
                      • 4232

                      Re: color- orig replated vs new 66 booster

                      Time, weather and aging will tone down the yellow chromate. But I guess you want it to look correct NOW.

                      I would suggest a chrome or mag wheel polish to cut the chromate. Maybe a plastic polish that is real fine cut. Try it on the bottom side.


                      • Russ S.
                        Extremely Frequent Poster
                        • April 30, 1982
                        • 2158

                        Re: color- orig replated vs new 66 booster

                        Guys thank you for the responses. Gene, I took a small amount of buffing compound and a rag and was able to tone it down considerably.


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