C2 Console Surrounds

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  • Doug L.
    • March 15, 2010
    • 442

    C2 Console Surrounds

    The console surround in my '64 when I bought it was in horrible condition. In addition to the ususal scratches and dings there was a lot of dis-similar metal corrosion at the holes for the attachment screws. It had to be replaced.

    I found an original, used '67 surround that is good enough to have re-plated. I noticed that the '67 console has 2 screw holes on the vertical portion at the very rear lip, whereas the presumed original from my '64 does not have any holes in that location.

    My JG and AIM do not mention the holes or lack thereof. Can anyone confirm that original '64s lacked the holes and later consoles had them? If that is the case I assume this area would be examined during judging and the presence of the holes (if they are not supposed to be there) would cause a deduction.

    Thanks in advance-Doug
    Attached Files
  • Dan H.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • August 1, 1977
    • 1361

    Re: C2 Console Surrounds

    Doug, no holes in a 64, were not equipped with seat belt holders like later C2s.
    1964 Red FI Coupe, DUNTOV '09
    Drove the 64 over 5000 miles to three Regionals and the San Jose National, one dust storm and 40 lbs of bugs!


    • John H.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • December 1, 1997
      • 16513

      Re: C2 Console Surrounds

      Originally posted by Doug Loeffler (51544)
      I found an original, used '67 surround that is good enough to have re-plated. I noticed that the '67 console has 2 screw holes on the vertical portion at the very rear lip, whereas the presumed original from my '64 does not have any holes in that location.Thanks in advance-Doug
      Doug -

      The '67 console doesn't have those two screw holes in the rear flange either - the '67 seat belt buckle retainer was attached to the parking brake console. You have a '65 or '66 console, which used the screw-attached buckle retainer.


      • Doug L.
        • March 15, 2010
        • 442

        Re: C2 Console Surrounds

        Thanks Dan and John.


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