WCFB Metering Rod Question

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  • Bob B.
    Very Frequent User
    • March 1, 2003
    • 829

    WCFB Metering Rod Question


    I'm working on a pair of WCFBs on a 2x4 intake, but the WCFBs are not the original ones. I'm having a stumble at 2,500-3,000 rpm on acceleration and was wondering if this might be the metering rods. If so, how would I be able to find the right ones? If not, then what might the problem be?


  • William C.
    NCRS Past President
    • June 1, 1975
    • 6037

    Re: WCFB Metering Rod Question

    OK, there are three very important pieces of information needed, number 1 is what are the part numbers of the carburetors you are working on? Second, what are the numbers on the sides of the metering rods you have now? A third question would be what are the numbers on the jets the metering rods slide in? That info will at least let us figure out if the carburetor is as originally delivered. Also when you say under acceleration, do you mean gradual, half throttle or full throttle acceleration, or all of the above?
    Bill Clupper #618


    • Bob B.
      Very Frequent User
      • March 1, 2003
      • 829

      Re: WCFB Metering Rod Question


      Thanks for the quick response! I'll get back when I gather that info.



      • Bob B.
        Very Frequent User
        • March 1, 2003
        • 829

        Re: WCFB Metering Rod Question


        The front (secondary) carb has an airhorn with 6-1273, main body of o-1465, and 1586 metering rods. Jets are 120/165.

        The rear (primary) carb has a 6-1140 airhorn, 0-1465 main body, and 1586 metering rods. Jets are 120/165.

        Both accelerator pump squirters are 288S. I read that these can be drilled out to cure a stumble, but I wanted to explore other options before doing more intrusive things like that.

        As for acceleration, I haven't tried full throttle since the engine is new and I haven't driven it much except for test drives. The stumble is definitely at half throttle and I believe some at gradual acceleration also.

        Let me know if you need more info.

        Thanks for your help!



        • William C.
          NCRS Past President
          • June 1, 1975
          • 6037

          Re: WCFB Metering Rod Question

          Just to narrow the search, the the carbs one with a choke and one without?
          Bill Clupper #618


          • Clem Z.
            • January 1, 2006
            • 9427

            Re: WCFB Metering Rod Question

            do you have the metering rod arm and the accelerator pump arm set correctly ???


            • Bob B.
              Very Frequent User
              • March 1, 2003
              • 829

              Re: WCFB Metering Rod Question


              Yes, the rear carb has the choke and the front doesn't.


              I thought they were, but I'll reset everything for the next test.




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