Soft top deck lock question

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  • Brian K.
    • June 1, 2004
    • 358

    Soft top deck lock question

    Anyone have any experience with the Trim Parts brand repop soft top rear deck locks? Do they pass judging? Do they work? LOL What do most people do, rechrome or go repop? Thanks for any opinions or experiences.
  • William C.
    • July 16, 2009
    • 239

    Re: Soft top deck lock question

    Originally posted by Brian Kotula (42040)
    Anyone have any experience with the Trim Parts brand repop soft top rear deck locks? Do they pass judging? Do they work? LOL What do most people do, rechrome or go repop? Thanks for any opinions or experiences.
    Brian..I got mine from Zip and they are Trim. The chrome is very good I would say close to show. They have the original part number on them. If I remember correctly they were identical to the original. I would expect them to judge well...Bill


    • Edward J.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • September 16, 2008
      • 6939

      Re: Soft top deck lock question

      Brian, Trim parts does make some Quality parts, The only problem I see is that they may be to good. (Not a bad thing as far as I am concerned).The factory chrome was not the best and the aluminum parts where casted roughly, A side by side comparasion will show the difference. In restoring a corvette there is alot of junk!!! out there. So most would give a thumbs up to Trim parts.

      P.S. My 63 resto will be receiving many Trim parts in the months to come.
      New England chapter member, 63 Convert. 327/340- Chapter/Regional/national Top Flight, 72 coupe- chapter and regional Top Flight.


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